I'm a freshman and im looking to make a career in the medical field and anesthesiology sounds interesting and i want to be better educated on the topic.
- What is the requirement of time spent in college and med school?
- What is your anual income like?
- What hours do you spend at work? (ie 8:00-5:00)
- What is the job like (repetitive, interesting, etc.)
- Anything you wish you knew before becoming an anesthesiologist?
- What university did you attend? Would you rather have chosen differently?
2 answers
Nicole’s Answer
It requires a 4 year bachelors degree in nursing or a 2 year accelerated nursing program (if you already have a bachelors degree in another specialty). Then to apply to nurse anesthesia school, you need at least a year of experience as an ICU nurse. Anesthesia school it’s self is around 3 years. It’s a very rigorous and tough course of study but is very rewarding. The salaries are typically >$150,000/year
What I have found beneficial about this route is even if you decide you don’t like anesthesia or don’t want to work in a hospital, you can still find a job in an area of medicine that you do like (there are even nurse administrators that don’t see patients).
Paula’s Answer
Paula recommends the following next steps:
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