What else should I do to get into medical school aside from good GPA and MCAT score?
I have good GPA and I will score high with MCAT. I know this is not the only credential that medical schools are looking at. Please help. #doctor #medicine
3 answers
Richard’s Answer
Volunteer at your local hospital or low-income clinic. Ask physicians, PAs or other clinical providers if you can shadow them.
Marcus’s Answer
I used to sit on the admissions committee for the College of Pharmacy, which also had chair members from the College of Medicine. We all tend to look for the same things. Its all usually based on a scoring table, for example if you have a perfect GPA and MCAT, you would get 15 out of 15 points. Other examples of things scored are volunteering experience, work experience, extracurriculars and professional organization membership. So even if some scored lower on the MCAT and had a lower GPA they could make up the points on their application with other miscellaneous items and still be competitive. We don't always just evaluate grades, we also evaluate the letters of recommendation and other things. The key to acceptance is have strong scores and being well rounded in other aspects of life. We don't want our practitioners to be robots with good grades, we want the to be all around awesome people. So don't be afraid to list life experiences on your application!

Rachel Resnick
Rachel’s Answer
<span style="background-color: transparent;">Collegeboard.org is a great resource for this! I poured through the pages of universities all over the U.S. when I was a senior in high school. Collegeboard was my go-to site! They put all of the information in one place and it is very easy to use. They even have various filters you can apply to see only colleges that have programs you are interested. To determine academic rigor, look at the admissions requirements, G.P.A. of past admitted applicants, SAT/ACT scores, class rank etc. This will give you an idea of what scores and grades you need to be accepted. However, don't be discouraged your application will be reviewed based on the full picture! College-board will help you get an idea of what is most important to the specific school you are applying to.</span>
This professional recommends the following next steps:
- <span style="background-color: transparent;">Chat with your Guidance Counselor</span>
- <span style="background-color: transparent;">Create a Collegeboard.org account</span>
- <span style="background-color: transparent;">Start using CollegeBoard as a resource to look up schools.</span>