1 answer
how long does it take for you to become a DR?
#classes why did your choose to be a Dr
how much do you get paid
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1 answer
Yasemin’s Answer
Hi Moon! So I'm still an aspiring physician but I'll tell you what I know from my own experiences. To be a doctor you have to go to college for four years and obtain a bachelor's degree, you must also take the MCAT exam and apply to medical school, then medical school is 4 years (2 years book work while the last two is clinical and rotating between different specialties and being up close with patients). After medical school is residency, this is where you will specialize in the field you pick, you get paid as a resident doctor but are still considered to be in training. Residency years differ such as psychiatry being 4 and surgery being 5; in addition with pay it will also matter based on the field you chose. Surgeons are paid more than other specialities, but the time commitment and residency years are also a factor to consider.
Personally I chose the medical field because of my loved one's illness; my grandmother had dementia and I took care of her for some time, this was also the time where I had an inspiring biology teacher in high school that combined science with real world medicine. I fell in love with the compassion and academics of medicine and I really can't see myself doing anything else!
Best of luck!
Personally I chose the medical field because of my loved one's illness; my grandmother had dementia and I took care of her for some time, this was also the time where I had an inspiring biology teacher in high school that combined science with real world medicine. I fell in love with the compassion and academics of medicine and I really can't see myself doing anything else!
Best of luck!