What advice do you have for students who are trying to decide on a career path?
I know a lot of students who have difficulty picking out a career path to take even after their senior year in college, and i feel that they will need some advise to answer this question. #college #career #mentors
3 answers
Karine’s Answer
Shadowing ! take time to spend time with professionals that are of interest to you ask the correct questions : what are your constraints, the things you most like about your job , what did you study...this takes time but if you manage you can find out what really pleases you. Also do an exercise about yourself : write down your values and aspirations, this will help you know yourself better and sell yourself better, good luck !:

Judith Rapley, MSSW
Judith’s Answer
Life and career life is not one straight path but many points that add up and many events that come together. Take what you like, what you are good at, what you are passionate about and what people will pay you for and make that your first step. The rest is a discovery over time. Volunteer, try new things and put yourself in the place to also use some career assessment tools that will also provide you with some guidance. Put this all together and get started!
Hope’s Answer
Hi, Priyanka. For me, it was taking an internship every summer. Sometimes I also worked part time during the Fall and Spring semesters. These experiences helped me decide what I liked and didn't like first hand. Also, pay close attention to moments where you get very jazzed. What were you doing at that time? Be aware of the things you would enjoy doing from the time you wake up to the time you fall asleep at night. Maybe that's it! There is also much more you can do such as finding your strengths by reading helpful books like "Strengths Finder 2.0." I wish you the BEST!