3 answers
Im in the 10th grade wondering if i were to go into the millitary would i still be able to get a degree for plumbing and would that be best?
I am in school and im intristed in going into plumbing and i ahve hobbies of games and woeking with my cousin in plumbing and wood working. Im also very intristed on hands on work and what would best fit me for these type of jobs #career #millitary #plumbing
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3 answers
Matthew’s Answer
Hi Christopher,
In my opinion going in to the military is a wonderful way to gain a career. They certainly need plumbers. Also check with you local UA plumbers union local. They also have an excellent training program for any of the pipe trades. I wish you luck and success in your future career.
In my opinion going in to the military is a wonderful way to gain a career. They certainly need plumbers. Also check with you local UA plumbers union local. They also have an excellent training program for any of the pipe trades. I wish you luck and success in your future career.
Thomas’s Answer
You could also consider joining the National Guard or Reserves. You would get all of your plumber training paid for by the military and would serve part-time in the military and then also work part-time as a civilian plumber.
Here is a good link: https://www.nationalguard.com/12k-plumber#:~:text=Job%20training%20for%20an%20Army,with%20carpentry%20and%20masonry%20tools.
Here is a good link: https://www.nationalguard.com/12k-plumber#:~:text=Job%20training%20for%20an%20Army,with%20carpentry%20and%20masonry%20tools.
Dr. James’s Answer
I have been in the Army for 28years. I love it. Like any job, it has its ups and downs but the ups FAR outweigh the downs.
The Army has a MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) in plumbing! What is great about the Army is that you get paid for all the training and if you are interested in more advanced certifications, they will pay for that as well.
Check out this links. I hope this helps!
The Army has a MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) in plumbing! What is great about the Army is that you get paid for all the training and if you are interested in more advanced certifications, they will pay for that as well.
Check out this links. I hope this helps!
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