2 answers
As my background is science based still is it possible for me to get involved in an online part time businesses and with out any basic experiences?
As i belong to a poor family. So i just eant to help my mom out. #student-development #student-affairs
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2 answers
Walt’s Answer
Hey Raiyan,
If you just need to make money, you might try working in the "gig" economy, which means you pick up online work from a gig website. There are a couple of great sites that offer temporary and part time work. They will have job listings that tell you what experience you need to take the gig.
A couple of sites I like are: upwork.com, freelancer.com, taskrabbit.com
Check them out, maybe they will have jobs you can do for money.
Good luck,
Visit www.upwork.com
Visit www.freelancer.com
Visit www.taskrabbit.com
If you just need to make money, you might try working in the "gig" economy, which means you pick up online work from a gig website. There are a couple of great sites that offer temporary and part time work. They will have job listings that tell you what experience you need to take the gig.
A couple of sites I like are: upwork.com, freelancer.com, taskrabbit.com
Check them out, maybe they will have jobs you can do for money.
Good luck,
Walt recommends the following next steps:
Sathish’s Answer
There are multiple part-time online business you can do, some will require a little bit of basic computer knowledge and some does not. Based on the available options you have to decide and choose which will give you more income.