How much calculus do you use being and aerospace engineer?
I am very interested in aerospace engineering and want to know how important calculus is to the profession #aerospace-engineering
2 answers
Aijaz’s Answer
Mathematics courses like Calculus-1, Calculus-2, Differential Equations, PDE’s, Numerical Methods, Probability and Random Variables and Linear Algebra are part of Aerospace engineering curriculum.
You can expect to have great deal of usage of mathematics in Aerospace Engineering. Today most computer systems can do the necessary mathematics involved in the problem solving but if you still have to have a good understanding of what’s going on behind the computer screen to be a judge of the result of the mathematical calculation. Work on Calculus-1 and Calculus-2 courses specially. If you can do them great rest is a breeze and you won’t feel that mathematics of Aerospace engineering is tough.
You need Calculus and Differential Equations at least to get through the classes. Any Engineer in or outside of school is expected to know these well. Work lots of problems to get good at it.

Rohit Avadhani
Rohit’s Answer
depends on the problem actually, but i did come across situations where i had to refer a text book or the internet for hints to solve the problem. Its normally advanced Integral calculus and differential calculus. Partial differentials play a very important role. As you go higher in your studies you experience more complex questions.
For example : In my high school, I barely scraped advanced calculus, In my undergrad it was a bit complex after the introduction of numerical methods for Computational fluid dynamics and finite element methods (both of which are methods to solve complex fluid and structural problems) , In my masters, I had to take the help of MATLAB (computer language) to solve some problems.
But do remember, being an aerospace engineer is a journey, you will learn as you walk forward.