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Qué puedo poner en mi cv si no tengo experiencia?

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Irene’s Answer

Mi sugerencia es tomar en cuenta que cualquier experiencia y conocimientos relacionados al puesto debe ser incluido en el resume o cv para que pueda explicar al reclutador qué sabe hacer, qué ha hecho y cuál puede ser su potencial. Si no ha tenido un puesto remunerado en una empresa, puede utilizar como experiencia, proyectos que haya llevado a cabo durante sus estudios. Yo recomiendo utilizar la técnica STAR para explicar su experiencia: Situación (dónde) Tarea (el objetivo a resolver) Acciones (qué hizo para lograr el objetivo) Resultado (para qué, qué se logró) resumetips cvtips

My suggestion is to take into account that any experience and knowledge related to the position should be included in the resume or CV so that you can explain to the recruiter what you know how to do, what you have done and what your potential may be. If you have not had a paid position in a company, you can use as experience, projects that you have carried out during your studies. I recommend using the STAR technique to explain your experience: Situation (where) Task (the objective to be solved) Actions (what did you do to achieve the objective) Result (for what, what was achieved)
Thank you comment icon Thank you! Ire
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Francisco’s Answer

Hola Ire!

Esa es una muy buena pregunta. Es difícil crear un CV cuando uno no tiene realmente experiencia, pero hay cosas en particular que reclutadores podrán buscar ahi que seguro puedes agregar. Yo recomendaría incluir tu educación, cualquier certificado o acreditación que puedas tener (primeros auxilios, lenguaje de señas, mecanografía, etc.), voluntariado o actividades extracurriculares como deportes, ayuda a los necesitados, organizaciones en las que participas (club de teatro, robótica, ajedrez, futbol, etc). Y tal vez algún trabajo de medio tiempo o experiencia laboral que tal vez tu consideras irrelevante, pero que puede demostrar aptitudes. He visto CV con experiencia en tiendas de ropa, como ayudantes de maestro, y hasta mariachis, y están aplicando a empleos como ingenieros, pero todo trabajo te enseña algo, y es tu trabajo vender ese algo.

Espero esto te ayude, y te ponga un poco en contexto de no subestimar las cosas que ayudaran a tu CV a resaltar. También espero te sirva para guiarte y buscar cosas para llenar ese CV. Siempre hay que pensar, si el CV se ve vacío o como que puede ser mejor, hay que hacer el esfuerzo por tener cosas que agregarle.

Buena suerte!

Hi Ire!

This is a very good question. It's tough writing a resume without having real work experience, yet there are some things recruiters are looking for that I'm sure you'll be able to add. I would recommend including your education, any certifications or accreditation you may have (first aid, sign language, typing, etc.), volunteering activities or extracurriculars like sports, helping the needy, organizations you participate in (theater club, robotics, chess, soccer, etc.), and maybe also add a part-time job or labor experience that you might consider irrelevant, but can show your aptitude's. I've seen resumes with work experience in retail stores, teaching assistance, and even mariachis, and they are applying for engineering roles, but every job teaches you something, and it is your job to sell that something.

I hope this helps, and that it gives you the context of not underestimating the things that could help your resume stand out. I also hope it helps guide you and help you search for things to add to your resume. It is important to think that if the resume looks empty or it could be better, you gotta make the effort to have stuff to add to it.

Good luck!
Thank you comment icon Hi Francisco! Great answer here! Would you be able to add an English translation directly after what you already wrote ? We allow Students to ask questions in any language, but prefer if Professionals are able to answer in English as well. Thanks so much for being part of the CV community! Alexandra Carpenter, Admin
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Jamal’s Answer

Hello Ire,

I hope you are doing well. I think if you have no prior experiences, You can put all the jobs you had previously regardless the relevance to the position you are applying. You can also put all the volunteers that you have done or if you have any particular school projects that you think they are related to the job you are applying or what kind of job you would like to apply. Lastly, you can put any courses that you think are important for the role you want to apply because sometimes that may boost your chance of getting the job.

I hope this help and good luck!
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June’s Answer

I would say similar to what others mentioned, I like to see project work in school, self-learning projects or courses such as stuff on Codeacademy if you are doing technical related interests. It's important to put what you learned doing those projects, what was the outcome. Also if you are able to, try to shadow some people in the area you may be interested in, even one or two week shadow experience would be good to see; it shows you took time out of your schedule to put your interests first.
Wishing you all the best!