2 answers
2 answers
Amit’s Answer
Great question! Online learning is a great way to stay current. There are many platforms like Coursera, Udemy, Udacity that have good courses in the specific field that you might be interested in. In addition, universities also offer some online programs to supplement your skillset. Membership of institutes like the IEEE could prove to be beneficial too.

Dan Wolf
Retired Electrical/Software Engineer and part-time College Professor (BSEET and MS Engineering Management)
Dan’s Answer
I read a lot: engineering trade magazines and news, both online and physical. Whenever I see an interesting item, I Google the technology, company, or component.
I am recently retired however I taught an evening college class for 40 years. Teaching always exposed me to changing technologies and helped keep a lot of my not-used-much skills fresh. And I took a few classes over the years.
I always made it a practice to talk with other engineers about their work and projects. There are special people that you will meet who have the time, interest and ability to explain things (not everyone will do this). Try to make friends with these folks (and mentor others in return).
I also experiment with different projects on my own. For instance, I recently implemented a Raspberry PI Zero based night camera to identify a feral cat that liked my back yard. Just for fun! And I bought my own 3D printer so I could make a few mechanical project parts.
I graduated from college 40 years ago and have never stopped learning.
I hope you have as much fun as I am (still) having.
I am recently retired however I taught an evening college class for 40 years. Teaching always exposed me to changing technologies and helped keep a lot of my not-used-much skills fresh. And I took a few classes over the years.
I always made it a practice to talk with other engineers about their work and projects. There are special people that you will meet who have the time, interest and ability to explain things (not everyone will do this). Try to make friends with these folks (and mentor others in return).
I also experiment with different projects on my own. For instance, I recently implemented a Raspberry PI Zero based night camera to identify a feral cat that liked my back yard. Just for fun! And I bought my own 3D printer so I could make a few mechanical project parts.
I graduated from college 40 years ago and have never stopped learning.
I hope you have as much fun as I am (still) having.