Where would i go to school to start a baking career and eventually own my own bakery?
im looking into being a baker and starting a buisness #cooking-and-baking
4 answers

Celeste Demby
Celeste’s Answer
Charlotte’s Answer
In addition to seeking experience as a baker at a successful bakery, you should learn more about what it takes to start/run your own business. This would likely entail some basic business classes, such as finance, accounting, sales/marketing, etc. It might also help to get connected with small business resources in the area where you want to have your business, and this would be a natural progression from any experience you gain working at a successful bakery. Ask a lot of questions of people who have been there themselves and maybe offer to intern or work for them so you can learn more. Use the opportunity to gain some insight on the various skills and assets you will need to bring to the table when you have your own business, including capital investment, loans for future growth, people you will need to hire, how you will market yourself and distinguish your business from any others that offer similar products and services. You could also start baking and making some connections on your own to get the word out - do some smaller jobs for friends/family and hopefully your products will start building you a reputation of your own! Good luck!
Cheri’s Answer
I would recommend you look into culinary art institutes in your area. There are culinary art institutes located all over the United States and the world. I would start with your state or local area and see if they have any kind of grants or scholarships you might be eligible for, and then go from there.
A culinary art institute would give you a well rounded education in business management, event management, catering and culinary skills. You could then focus on your specific craft such as baking, pastries, or savory treats.
Great Question!

James C. Gossweiler, P.G.
James C.’s Answer
Your best bet isn't to "go to school" for a baking career but rather work for and at a successful bakery. There is no better schooling.