where should i go to learn how to edit videos
i want to become a youtuber #technology
3 answers
Rachel’s Answer
Hey Billy,
The first thing you want to do is consider your equipment! Are you on a windows machine? An Apple Macintosh? Using some other kind of operating system? This will help to determine what the best programs to edit will be. If you are using a mac, make sure that you check your local apple store for workshops to teach you how to edit. If you aren't, then see if your library or someone else you know can offer you the help that you are looking for to learn. And you have the internet at your disposal, full of how tos!
Pick your medium first, and then look through the given resources that are attached. There may be a tutorial right inside the program.
Don't be afraid to work with others in your school or social group- someone may be a better editor then you and have the ability to work with you on this project as well.

Rachel Fusaro, MBA
Rachel’s Answer
Ken’s Answer
Hi Billy!
Here are some interesting sites:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyzN39-QvNs (you will also find helpful information along the right side of the screen)
Let me know if and how this might be of help.