1 answer
What made you want to become a private investigator/detective?
It has always intrigued me what a private detectives and investigators do on a daily basis what are their duties
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Teresa’s Answer
My exhusband has a private investigators license in California. He started working for his father, a workers compensation attorney, as an investigator for workers comp fraud. He would observe people receiving disability benefits to ensure they were injured as they claimed. If he saw them galivanting around, stressing their back or legs when they claimed to be injured, he reported back to the company. That is one area of private investigation and it's called "surveillance".
From there, he went to work for a famous federal agency. He enjoyed working investigations because he could act a part, be systematic in going through and documenting a case, and have a defined goal against which success could be measured. And he was fighting crime, so that was also a benefit.
In California, a private investigator (1) investigates crimes, (2) investigates the identity, business, occupation, character, etc., of a person, (3) investigates the location of lost or stolen property, (4) investigates the cause of fires, losses, accidents, damage or injury, or (5) secures evidence for court. You have to have a strong stomach for physical and mental challenges and be calm under stress. https://www.bsis.ca.gov/forms_pubs/pi_fact.shtml#:~:text=A%20private%20investigator%20is%20an,injury%2C%20or%20(5)%20secures
The best investigators go to the FBI.
From there, he went to work for a famous federal agency. He enjoyed working investigations because he could act a part, be systematic in going through and documenting a case, and have a defined goal against which success could be measured. And he was fighting crime, so that was also a benefit.
In California, a private investigator (1) investigates crimes, (2) investigates the identity, business, occupation, character, etc., of a person, (3) investigates the location of lost or stolen property, (4) investigates the cause of fires, losses, accidents, damage or injury, or (5) secures evidence for court. You have to have a strong stomach for physical and mental challenges and be calm under stress. https://www.bsis.ca.gov/forms_pubs/pi_fact.shtml#:~:text=A%20private%20investigator%20is%20an,injury%2C%20or%20(5)%20secures
The best investigators go to the FBI.