2 answers
Research in College?
How will research opportunities impact job applications after college?
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2 answers
Evan’s Answer
Research is a great indicator of someone who wants to further the knowledge of the field you are in. The necessity of research for a future career is heavily dependent upon what your career goals are! Science fields love to see research in your resume and it could absolutely help you get a job. In other fields, it might not be required at all.
If you have a career in mind you might be able to get a better idea of whether its worth the time and effort!
If you have a career in mind you might be able to get a better idea of whether its worth the time and effort!
Kim’s Answer
Do you have a major in mind? The answer to your question varies widely from sciences to liberal arts, so if you are able to narrow the focus a little it would help us to help you. Thanks!
Do you have a major in mind? The answer to your question varies widely from sciences to liberal arts, so if you are able to narrow the focus a little it would help us to help you. Thanks!