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How can I do better ?

How do I try my hardest in life, like when I have a job or trying to help out my family, to care for others and treat them good, not having bad arguments

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Subject: Career question for you


4 answers

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Karen’s Answer

Because you are asking this question and wanting to treat others well, you likely will do your best. You might come up with a mission statement for yourself. It could be as simple as the golden rule -- to always treat others as you would like to be treated. Then you can think about that when you're tempted to argue or treat someone poorly.

One of my favorite quotes is something like this "People won't remember what you say, but they will remember what you do."

Feel confident you will do well. I've found volunteering gives me a great sense of accomplishment and makes me feel like I'm giving back to the world.

With every good wish.
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Yan’s Answer

Think you are a member of a famous volunteering community which is respected by many others. Then when you offer help, you will consider how best you can help out and you are also proud of doing that at the stake of this volunteering community. gradually that thought goes like routine.
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Jacob’s Answer

Striving to do better, both in your personal life and in how you interact with others, is a commendable goal. Here are some tips to help you give your best effort, care for others, and maintain positive relationships:

1. **Self-Reflection:** Start by reflecting on your values and what truly matters to you. Understanding your personal principles will guide your actions and decisions.

2. **Set Clear Goals:** Establish specific goals for different aspects of your life, such as your job, family, and relationships. Having clear objectives gives you a sense of purpose.

3. **Time Management:** Efficiently manage your time to balance your responsibilities. Prioritize tasks and create schedules to ensure you can fulfill your commitments.

4. **Effective Communication:** Practice open and empathetic communication with others. Listen actively, express your thoughts and feelings honestly, and avoid confrontational or hurtful language.

5. **Empathy:** Try to understand the perspectives and feelings of others. Empathy can lead to more compassionate interactions and help prevent arguments.

6. **Conflict Resolution:** Learn healthy ways to resolve conflicts when they arise. Focus on finding common ground and solutions rather than placing blame.

7. **Self-Care:** Taking care of yourself is essential to caring for others. Ensure you get enough rest, exercise, and maintain a healthy lifestyle so you can be at your best.

8. **Continuous Learning:** Seek opportunities for personal and professional growth. Expanding your knowledge and skills can enhance your ability to help others.

9. **Helping Family:** If you're assisting your family, communicate openly about your intentions and limitations. Collaborate on household responsibilities and support one another.

10. **Positivity:** Cultivate a positive mindset. Focus on solutions rather than problems, and celebrate small successes along the way.

11. **Gratitude:** Practice gratitude by acknowledging the things you're thankful for daily. It can boost your overall well-being and outlook on life.

12. **Seek Guidance:** Don't hesitate to seek advice or guidance from trusted mentors, friends, or professionals when facing challenging situations.

13. **Boundaries:** Set healthy boundaries to avoid burnout and maintain your own well-being. Saying "no" when necessary is an important part of self-care.

14. **Forgiveness:** Learn to forgive both yourself and others for mistakes and misunderstandings. Holding onto grudges can lead to unnecessary conflicts.

15. **Patience:** Understand that personal growth and positive change take time. Be patient with yourself and others as you work towards improvement.

Remember that nobody is perfect, and making mistakes is a part of life. The key is to learn from these experiences and continuously strive to do better. It's a lifelong journey, and your commitment to self-improvement and caring for others is a valuable and noble pursuit.
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Monica’s Answer

Hear before you share, acknowledge when you've made a mistake, and seek advice from your supervisors and colleagues to improve at work. Don't hesitate to request additional training if you're not fully confident in your role. Stay calm, even when you're upset, and express your needs and desires to find the perfect job for you. Discover what drives you to be productive and make sure it aligns with your career choice. This way, you'll not only succeed but also enjoy the journey.