3 answers
Is it worth it to have a lawyer in the music industry?
Just incase you don't know how to negotiate or feel screwed over by someone you're working with.
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3 answers

Bryston Stafford
Senior Consultant (lawyer) for International Tax Services
Bellevue, Washington
Bryston’s Answer
As a current lawyer that used to work as a music journalist, a lawyer is absolutely necessary when getting into the music industry. Whether it’s registering a trademark or copyrighting your work, or negotiating a record or publishing contract with a label/publisher, a musician needs a lawyer. The best option will be to shop around and see what you can find insofar as reputation and rate options.
Brenda’s Answer
You will need a lawyer in any entertainment industry. You want someone to be able to read over the contract and make sure what it written is in your best interest. They will have a lawyer to draw up the contract to protect them and make sure they get a big chunk out of what you create and make. Protect yourself. This is why TLC had issues. They did not have representation. The record label took advantage of them and still does based on their contract,
Marva’s Answer
Agree with all of the answers above. Lawyers can be very expensive for someone just starting out, and if you can't afford a lawyer, ask smart people in your family to review the contracts and help you understand what they say. Sometimes people are so excited for the opportunity that they will sign anything; often those contracts are very one-sided, and they don't protect the artist. You can also ask the company that you are working with to pay for your legal fees - just make sure that you pick the attorney and it is clear that they are working for you. Good luck.