3 answers
Whats the purpose of struggling on your own through college?
I live alone with no support, first time in college. I work hard and try everything that I can do to better myself. My #life lesson is still pending to me.
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3 answers

Rachel Resnick
Behavioral Health Professional; CT Licensed Secondary Educator
Seymour, Connecticut
Rachel’s Answer
You will value everything you work to achieve so much more because you did it on your own without any help. I have a similar situatio as well and I have valued my education so much more. Keep your head up, stay motivated, and keep going no matter how hard it gets.
Alvina’s Answer
Think of it as a preparation for the future. When I moved to the US, I was on my own. I did not know anyone in the city where I moved into. It was the first time that I lived far away from my family. The struggles that you will encounter in college will help you gain wisdom and strength as you grow older. It may seem small right now but remember that each struggle becomes an experience and each experience becomes your tool.
If you are open and motivated, you will go a long way.
If you are open and motivated, you will go a long way.
Collette’s Answer
This is a very good question and it shows that you have been attentive to your current situation, however, it is unfortunate that you view it as struggling. As a professional who is a full-time worker and full-time student, it has not been easy. However, when you reap the benefits of your reward you begin to realize that the sacrifices that you have made was for the greater good. Having a solid educational background goes a long way and I too have been doing it with little to no support. What has motivated me was my grades and the Dean's List that I have made for consecutive semesters. Find what motivates you to pursue your dreams and regularly evaluate it to ensure you are constantly on the right track to achieve your goals.