In your opinion, is college "too" expensive?
In your own words, do you think colleges ask too much money for an education?
Remember, there isn't a "right" or "wrong" answer, this is based off of opinion.
#opinions #collegemoney #college
3 answers
George’s Answer
Ilene’s Answer
I will tell you from experience that not having a degree can be a real obstacle. Life throws us curve balls and having options is invaluable. While having a degree may or may not earn you a higher salary, it confers a sense of discipline and goal orientation to prospective employers. It gives you options. Importantly, some of the most valuable lessons learned in college don't come from your field of study. College is a time to explore who you are, learn to exercise your decision-muscles and generally, learn to think. All valuable. Its not that you can't get these lessons on your own, but coupled with a usable degree, generally college is a good choice. Yes, its expensive, and perhaps a combination of community and state school is a way to keep it from being "too expensive". Me? I spent two years on campus then left for a year to take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Unfortunately, my father was very chauvinistic and as his oldest daughter, he decided I didn't need college. I went on to have a wonderful career, but my lack of degree got in the way more than once. My one regret in life is that I didn't have the courage to push back more and find a way to get a degree.
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