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How can I get a business strategy?

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Kassandra’s Answer

Creating winning products and services is all about getting to the heart of what your business and your customers (users) truly need. The method of Design Thinking, a fantastic tool for sparking innovation, gives us a roadmap to do just that.

Here's a friendly breakdown of how this people-first approach works:

Deep Empathy: We dive into extensive user research to really get a feel for what users are struggling with, what drives them, and how they behave.
Collaborative Ideation: Mixing user insights with business objectives, we come up with a broad spectrum of imaginative solutions.
Rapid Prototyping: We swiftly create and test simple prototypes to gather user feedback as early as possible and tweak our ideas for maximum effect.

Identifying your value proposition - the core benefit your business offers customers - is crucial for success. But how do you pinpoint what truly resonates with your audience?

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a powerful tool that helps you visualize and refine your value proposition. This one-page framework guides you through key aspects like:

Customer Segments: Who are you targeting? Understanding your ideal customers is essential for crafting a relevant value proposition.
Customer Needs & Pain Points: What problems are your customers facing? Focusing on solutions to these issues forms the foundation of your value proposition.
Solutions & Value Propositions: How does your product/service address those needs? Clearly articulating this value proposition differentiates you from competitors.

By mapping these elements onto the BMC, you can gain a holistic view and ensure your value proposition truly resonates with your target audience. It's a collaborative and iterative process that leads to a stronger, more focused value proposition that drives customer acquisition and loyalty.

By keeping people's needs at the forefront throughout this process, we can craft solutions that are not just practical for your business, but also meaningful and attractive to your customers. This leads to more user involvement, happiness, and ultimately, the success of your business.
Thank you comment icon Excellent response! I'm sharing a link to this for all of my struggling colleagues. Thank you for your input! Jen Digges
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Mudita’s Answer

Hi there! It sounds like congratulations is in order! If you are looking to put together a business strategy I suspect that means you might be looking to start a business. :)

My first suggestion is to get as clear as you possibly can about what your business is all about...this includes understanding your business, defining your vision and goals, having a solid understanding of your value proposition, and knowing your market. Get them down on paper and have fun with this part!

Once the above is squared away you can focus on strategic approach. It's important to understand that strategy is different from tactic. Strategy is the broader scope of your plan, while the tactics are the action steps you will employ to get there. So for a strategic business plan it's important to come from a place of high perspective versus getting caught up too much in the "how".

When you are ready, start figuring out what your strategic approach will be and develop key initiatives around that. Determine how you will allocate your resources and create an action plan around your initiatives.

SCORE,, and HubSpot are a few companies that offer a lot of free advice on their websites on writing strategic plans. I also suggest checking out the Small Business Administration.

Good luck!
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Magdalena’s Answer

Great question. Here are a few steps:
Get Clear on Your Vision and Goals: Start by figuring out what you want for your business in the long run. Think about where you see it going and what success looks like for you.
Check Out the Market: Take a look at what's happening in your industry, who your competitors are, and what customers are into these days. This can help you spot opportunities and avoid potential pitfalls.
Figure Out Your Unique Selling Point: What makes your business special? Why should people choose you over the competition? Nail down what makes you stand out.
Know Your Customers: Get to know who your ideal customers are and what they're all about. Understanding their needs and preferences will help you tailor your offerings to them.
Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Take a good look at what you're great at and where you could use some work. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can help you play to your strengths and shore up any weaknesses.
Set Some Goals: Decide what you want to achieve with your business and set some goals to get there. Make sure they're specific, measurable, and realistic.
Come Up with a Plan: Once you know what you want to achieve, come up with a plan to make it happen. Break it down into smaller steps and figure out who's going to do what.
Get the Right Resources: Make sure you've got everything you need to make your plan work. That might mean money, people, or equipment.
Take Action: Put your plan into action and start working towards your goals. Keep an eye on how things are going and be ready to adjust your plan if you need to.
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Christine’s Answer

Hi! If you are looking into developing a strategy for a business, you can start by thinking about what kind of business it is. Then, think about what your goals are for that business. You should think about who is going to purchase your goods or services, too. Think about what it may take to make your business successful. It may be helpful to search for some example business strategies as you are getting started.
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Michaela’s Answer

Developing a business strategy involves several key steps to help you define your goals, assess your current situation, and outline a plan of action to achieve success. Here's a guide to help you get started:

1. **Define Your Vision and Mission**: Start by clarifying your vision for the future of your business and articulating your mission statement, which outlines the purpose and values of your organization. Your vision and mission will serve as guiding principles for your business strategy.

2. **Conduct a SWOT Analysis**: Assess your business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). Identify your competitive advantages, areas for improvement, market opportunities, and potential challenges. This analysis will help you understand your internal capabilities and external environment.

3. **Set SMART Goals**: Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that align with your vision and mission. Your goals should be clear, realistic, and actionable, and they should provide a roadmap for your business strategy.

4. **Identify Target Market and Customers**: Define your target market and identify your ideal customers. Understand their needs, preferences, behaviors, and pain points. Develop customer personas to represent different segments of your target audience and tailor your strategy to meet their needs effectively.

5. **Develop Value Proposition**: Clearly articulate your value proposition, which describes the unique value and benefits your business offers to customers. Differentiate yourself from competitors by highlighting what sets you apart and why customers should choose your products or services.

6. **Choose Business Model**: Decide on the business model that best suits your goals and market dynamics. Consider factors such as revenue streams, pricing strategy, distribution channels, and customer relationships. Choose a business model that aligns with your value proposition and target market.

7. **Allocate Resources**: Determine the resources needed to execute your business strategy, including financial, human, and technological resources. Develop a budget, allocate resources effectively, and prioritize initiatives that will drive the greatest impact and return on investment (ROI).

8. **Create Action Plan**: Develop a detailed action plan outlining specific initiatives, activities, and timelines to achieve your goals. Break down your strategy into actionable steps and assign responsibilities to individuals or teams. Set milestones and checkpoints to track progress and ensure accountability.

9. **Monitor and Adapt**: Continuously monitor the performance of your business strategy and track key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess progress toward your goals. Be prepared to adapt and adjust your strategy based on market feedback, changing circumstances, and lessons learned along the way.

10. **Seek Feedback and Collaboration**: Involve key stakeholders, team members, mentors, and advisors in the development and implementation of your business strategy. Seek feedback, insights, and perspectives from others to validate your ideas, identify blind spots, and enhance the effectiveness of your strategy.

By following these steps and taking a structured approach to developing your business strategy, you can create a roadmap for success and position your business for growth and sustainability in the competitive marketplace.