when an employee makes a mistake is there usually a way to fix your mistake ?
or is there time to fix said mistake and how would you explain to your employer what you did? #career-counseling #employee-training #career
4 answers
D'Lynne’s Answer
You will almost always have a chance to fix a mistake. A mentor of mine used to say, " The only employees who don't make mistakes are those who aren't working."
Always be honest, humble and apologetic. Tell your supervisor what has happened. It is best to have some suggestions on how you will fix the problem when you go to tell your supervisor.
Carli’s Answer
Hi Ashanti,
People in the workplace make mistakes all the time, but it is important that you learn to deal with them in an appropriate and timely manner. I would also make sure that you always learn from your mistakes, as this is something that I learned that employers truly do appreciate. If it is something that prevents you from going forward with a particular task, I would be honest with your employer and let them know the mistake, as they will appreciate you going to them and giving them a status of where you may be with something. The first step I would take is to try and figure out the best solution to the problem, if possible. Going to your employer with a mistake and a possible solution is a great way to show your employer your understanding of the task. If you are unsure of how to fix the issue, I would confirm with your employer why certain alternatives may not work. As an employee, it is your job to be honest with whomever you are working for when something goes wrong. Overall, maintain confidence and let your employer know that you will make sure that you will not make that same mistake again.
Ryan’s Answer
Hi Ashanti,
I think the first thing to understand is that mistakes happen all the time in the workplace. However, employees that are able to deal with their mistakes in a timely manner and learn from their mistakes to apply to future situations are very attractive skills to employers.
In regards to your specific situation, the first step you should take is determining whether the mistake can be completely resolved in a timely manner before going to your employer. If so, it still might be a good idea to let your employer know what happened, but they will be impressed that you took the initiative to fix your own mistake.
If you aren't sure how to fix your mistake, I would try to come up with a few possible solutions that you could mention to your employer when you tell them. The employer will appreciate that you are putting your best effort into fixing the mistake.
When you go to tell your employer, it is important to be completely honest and take full responsibility for what happened. I think you should also let them know what you will do differently in the future to make sure the mistake doesn't happen again. This will show your employer that you have reflected on your actions and are willing to grow into a better employee.

Katie Manderson, MA, ACC
Katie’s Answer
It really depends on the type of mistake. For some mistakes you can always fix those. I have found in my career the easiest way is to figure out that I made the mistake, admit it, and then work with those above me to fix it. Some things like breaking policy or rules might require some type of investigation or punishment even. Those things aren't the end of your career either. Many people have been fired for breaking a rule and still gone on to have illustrious careers. It really all depends on how you bounce back from that mistake and what you do to recover.