What kind of advise would you give to someone that has to choose either work or family?
#advice, heart to heart
4 answers
Simeon’s Answer
Vianette’s Answer
A few things I think is important to consider is what benefit are you providing to your family by being at home? If it's children you are tending to, there are great benefits in having children attend daycare. If you can find an affordable daycare that will allow you to go in to work on your career, I personally found it rewarding for both me and the family.
Now more than ever more companies are providing work-life balance and can help you find the perfect balance. Look into that when searching for a job.
Josh’s Answer
What a great question to ask early and often. It’s hard to have a work/life balance. You always want to provide for your self and for the people that count on you every day and you also want to be apart of your family’s life as well. Your career can sometimes take you to other states and even countries but is it that right season in time for you to do it? & What are you wanting to accomplish by this?
The best advise I can give is have an open communication with your family and leave it all on the table of your career path. Hopefully this could help them be apart of this experience for you and be some guidance along the way. Just remember that everything is up to you at the end and let no one detour you from what you want to accomplish.
Josh recommends the following next steps:
Kim’s Answer
Please clarify your question. Do you mean if you work you won't have time to spend with your family; or do you mean you want to work at a job your family does not want you to work at? Also, please tell us how old you are. This information will help us to give you an answer that is more geared towards you!