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How do you organize your time between your job and personal life?


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Nakul’s Answer

This is actually tough. Because everyone is generally told that they need to spare time from their job and balance their personal life. But it is easer said than done. Now why do I say that is, it actually depends on a multiple factors. For example, the culture of a place where you work, your team, your work, your family, friends and so on. Sometimes you actually want to balance your work and life but the factors that I mentioned above might not allow you to do so.

Hence from my personal experience what I feel is, there are always cycles(periods) that you might work a bit more/less than your average. But I have told my brain that this is normal and sometimes I will have to do this. But rest of the times I try to enjoy with my family, friends and also spare some time for myself. At the same time I do not get disappointed or mentally affected when I sometimes have to work more than the normal hours as now I have already told my mind that this is the reality.

Now coming to organizing that time, I think PLANNING is the solution to most of the problems. And what I usually do is, rather than working a lot for a longer period of time and then going out for a vacation with family/friends, I prefer giving them time everyday in short intervals. And for me it works better. There are apps and of course you could maintain a calendar for these things. But I think that is too much and not needed. You can easily decide and make it a routine. That way you will naturally start managing time better.

In this way, you actually can balance your work and life and enjoy both the things to their fullest.

Nakul recommends the following next steps:

The next time you feel you are not balancing your work and life tell your mind it is absolutely alright
After a few days gradually change a schedule and see if you are not overworking
Spare time for family, friends and yourself everyday
You will get used to this routine and start enjoying more. Feedback yourself.
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Michelle’s Answer

Hey Ana -

I think this is a particularly relevant question for Covid-19 times where folks are working from home and the line between "home" and "work" is not so defined anymore. Here is my advice:

1. BE FIRM ABOUT YOUR WORKING HOURS - consistency is key, and when your teammates understand that you will only respond to emails/attend meetings at these times, you can better respect each other's boundaries. People have lives and families outside of work and it is important that we recognize that. If your work environment is fostering unhealthy standards of work and time management, speak with your manager. And if still then it does not seem that you're being heard, perhaps it's time for a job switch.

2. SET PRIORITIES - this is different for all of us. What is most important to you? What are you working for? I'd recommend setting 3-5 top priorities and focusing on just those to create that focus in your life.

3. ORGANIZE YOUR LIFE - I'm a huge fan of lists (to-do lists, priorities lists, project planning, etc.). If you're a more organized person, you'll feel like you have more control over your life and how much time you're dedicating to different tasks. Time can often slip away from us when we're being complacent. Be intentional! This goes hand-in-hand with #2 - find out what you're spending the most time on and find out if that aligns with your priorities.

You'll do great!
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Doc’s Answer

In today’s busy world Ana, prioritizing between your work and your personal life can be a huge challenge. But studies show that a poor work-life balance can result in unhealthy levels of stress, unhappiness, and even reduced productivity.


STEP 1.) SET PRIORITIES – Figure out what you want your priorities to be, not what you think they should be. Ask yourself, “If I could only focus on one thing in my life, what would it be?” That answer is your top priority. What would you focus on second? Third? Fourth? Fifth? You’ve now identified your top five priorities.

STEP 2.) KEEP TRACK – For one week, track how you spend your time. How much time do you spend doing things that don’t matter to you? Or that don’t align with your priorities? Eliminate these things from your life, or delegate them.

STEP 3.) STAY FOCUS – Forget multi-tasking. It’s not possible to focus on two things at the same time. Instead, devote your full attention to the task at hand. When you are working, work. When you are spending time with your family, focus solely on them.

STEP 4.) ME TIME – Book some time to play tennis with a friend, go to an art museum, or have a massage. The activity doesn’t have to be time-consuming, complicated, or expensive. Put aside an hour on your schedule to read a book, take a walk, or just to be alone. An emergency would most likely have to come up before you’d reschedule an important work meeting. Give your own time the same respect. Put aside an hour on your schedule to read a book, take a walk, or just to be alone.

STEP 5.) KEEP YOUR BALANCE – Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, and bad exercise habits can cause you to feel a lack of balance in your life, and can counteract any efforts you are making to achieve work-life balance.

STEP 6.) ASK FOR SUPORT – Tell your boss, family, friends, colleagues, and anyone else involved in your life that you are seeking a better work-life balance. Tell them what your plan is, and ask them to respect it.

STEP 7.) JUST SAY “NO” – Don’t acquiesce to every request that comes your way. If it doesn’t fit into your schedule or align with your priorities, don’t overwhelm yourself by taking on more.

Achieving balance in both your work and personal Ana will allow you to perform optimally in both areas.
Thank you comment icon Thank You Nakul. “Our generation has the ability and the responsibility to make our ever-more connected world a more hopeful, stable and peaceful place.” — Natalie Portman Doc Frick
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Nicole’s Answer

I organize my time between my job and my personal life by setting a daily schedule in order to keep work/life balance. I work weekdays M-F typically between 9 am - 5 pm and used to commute to my office, but with covid I'm now at home 24/7 which is tough. Having the separation of office and home was great as I could easily leave for the day and leave my work at work. Now it's challenging when work is literally at home, so I've found it to be useful to start my day with a checklist of what I need to get done before I can log off for the day. I also make sure to block off time in the morning 8-9 for breakfast and 12-1 for lunch so I have that time for myself without getting sucked into work. My friends/coworkers and I like to schedule virtual social events with each other after work so we can maintain our personal lives outside of "the office". My suggestion would be to to think about your priorities for work and structure your day around completing those tasks, but also making sure you're taking time for yourself. Whatever your schedule and life may be, communicate to your manager/team about your personal priorities so they understand the balance you want to set for yourself :) Whether it's going on a 30 minute walk, hanging out with your significant other, etc. your mental health is #1 so take care of yourself and invest in your "me time".
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Subbaiah’s Answer

This is one of the interesting and most asked questions. One of the main challenges for a lot of working individuals is to keep a steady balance between work and personal life. Some are too engrossed in work life that they tend to spend less time for themselves leading to a lot of problems within and with the loved ones.

Maintaining few things religiously will help getting everything back to normal.

Planning: It includes planning the time you wake up in the morning and ends with you going to the bed at night.

Prioritize: To make a To-do list that must be carried out immediately and the ones that can be given sometime. This not only saves time, but also helps you to concentrate on other important subjects. Prioritizing your tasks or maintaining a to-do list will help you have control on your life and your time.

Rule: Always follow a standard rule of no work-related stuff on your off days. Maintain a strict rule of spending that time with your family and loved ones. You can also indulge in spending some quality “me-time” to relieve yourself from the work stress.

Exercise/ Meditate: Make sometime in your day to meditate or exercise. While exercising helps you maintain a fit body and keep you healthy, meditation helps you strengthen your inner soul and keeps your focus intact by giving greater mental capabilities.

Following these simple steps can make it very effective in maintaining your work-life balance.
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Bri’s Answer

Depending on what your career is it can be challenging but not impossible. I’ve changed my work schedule so many times trying to fit it around my son as he was growing. As a single parent I do everything. As my son got older he became more involved in school. I use to work 245pm to 1115pm so I would be able to take him to school and after I dropped him off I would be able to do chores around the house or errands out. Then I worked 645am to 3pm so I can be home when my son got home from school to help with homework, projects, go to after school activities, attend his taekwondo class, and cook dinner. Now I work 1115pm to 7am where I am home all day. Now Im available for anything going involving my son, family and friends. You have to prioritize what’s important and work around it. Depending on what job you have they’re shifts, some jobs already a set schedule which means you can choose to pick that job, some even let you pick your own schedule (not many).
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Danielle B.’s Answer

This is a good question. I've had a hard time doing this myself. However you must give yourself a break. Even if it means setting boundaries to take a break. Sometimes this requires keeping a schedule of personal time. Just as if you would do when setting daily task. Set aside days when you are just focused on personal care. It can be something simple as going to the doctor, going for walk or watching a movie you wanted to see. Whatever you do just start setting aside time for you that is not work related. Sometimes you have to hit the reset button when you become too absorb in one thing more than the other.
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Sonal’s Answer

Hi Ana,

This is a great question. I'm happy you are thinking about this - the first step to creating a work-life balance is acknowledging the need for having your own space in each sphere. So kudos to you on this! While there isn't a one size fits all answer to this question, I wish to share with you a few things that have worked for me personally.

1. Communicate openly: I find it very useful to communicate my commitments personal or business to people who matter. If I have a personal engagement, I ensure I can take time off and let my colleagues know about it in advance. I also think communication becomes important in the professional setting, if you find yourself in situations where you are constantly overworked. You can surely give good constructive feedback to your managers and solicit their help to create avenues for you to feel less burned out or burdened. Most of my managers have always been super nice and careful and helped me achieve my personal goals, when I have had open communication with them.

2. Find time to unplug: I have realized that work-life balance become especially challenging for me when I haven't taken time off to decompress - like, say I've wanted to go to a pottery class with a friend but I've pushed it out due to fatigue or just not having the will to go out on a weekend after a really hectic week. It's important to take time to rest, but it's equally important to pursue hobbies, and truly make time for personal commitments as well.

Hope this helps!

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Ruby’s Answer

A very good question and lots of very good answers.
In my opinion one has to constantly prioritize what is more important for them at that point in his/her life. Everybody has different priorities and goals at any point, e.g. if you are an ER doctor and you are getting paid to be available 24X7 that means you are ready to compromise personal time when you are on call. The point I am making is one has to be fair to oneself as well as the employer. To be fair to yourself you need to set priority of personal time and look for work which fits your priorities.
It is up to you to say "no" to work when you want to enjoy more personal time. Most of time people understand it. If they do not, you need to evaluate again if it is once in a while or is it becoming expectations for you to be available during your personal time. If it is later your job has evolved and employer has changed the expectations. Hence you have to re-evaluate your priorities and see if this job can help you manage them.
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Jason’s Answer

Hi Ana,

To start off I would like to say I am glad you are finding the line between your job and your personal life somewhat vague which means you have options to choose from. It's a good sign that you are asking for opinion because you acknowledge what's happening in your life instead of feeling lost and out of control.

Many people juggles between several jobs, family, financial hardship, health issues, and many more at the same time. To tell you a little bit how I cope with all the stress I can share my background with you. I am employed and an entrepreneur at the same time. That takes up most of my time from the morning all the way till late evening. As you keep juggling you will encounter a time when you feel like the schedule is so tight you are gasping for air. When the time comes I always spare once a week a wind down day no matter how tight my schedule is. Go somewhere scenic is has been my thing. Enjoy the natural beauty of what Mother Earth has to offer. Even taking drive is beneficial to help take things off your mind for a little while. I use my HomePod to listen to meditation music curated by Apple Music to create a sense of transformation from work to life and vice versa. Sometimes Apple Watch senses that I have been sitting on the chair too focus on my work for a long time and it will notify me I have been sitting for too long without standing. Same thing goes for breathing sometimes all you need to do is a deep breathe and you can start everything all over. Most important of all is that you have to find satisfaction from what you do both professionally and personally and that would make a world of difference on how to perceive what's work and what's personal.

The skill of juggling is never easy to master but one thing I know for sure is that no one is born capable of doing the things that they are doing now. Next time when you feel stressed out just take a moment to step back, take a deep breathe, stretch a little and do what you can with a little push. Cheers.

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Krithi’s Answer

The art of balancing the work and personal life depends on YOU .These are the few ways to do this 1.Focus on prioritizing time -I know it is easier than done but once you learn to prioritize it really helps to focus on achieve your to-dos easily 2.Disclipline about your work hours -sticking to this is very important is achieving the balance life 3. Invest in your personal well being -If you do not have time for yourself , you will find it hard to achieve bigger things ,your mind would be cluttered .Hence this is very important find energy by investing in personal well being .4. Find technology that would help to be organised -I know technology can not help you all the time but sometimes it helps to organised 5.Manage your mind through mindfulness techniques like breathing ,meditation ,yoga or exercise 6.Play on your strengths

Hope these are useful for you ,Good luck
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Tina’s Answer

This is a very important and sought topic these days. I can share my experience on what I follow to balance my work and personal life .

Prioritizing your work is most important. Make to-do list for the day and work on high priority work first. I usually start my day early so that I have some me time left in the evening hours.

Starting your day with some exercise or Yoga or meditation helps to stay focused and calm and finish the work early.

Always have a set time for working , and try not to stretch over it . Keep weekends for yourself and have some outdoor activities and rejuvenate yourself with whatever makes you comfortable.

Ensure to have a clear and proper communication with your stakeholders to get a clarity of work and avoid redundancy. Try to have timely constructive 360 feedback to improve.

Prepare on weekends for you week ahead.
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Simeon’s Answer

Getting the work-life balance right is a combination of researching which jobs you apply for, advocating for yourself, and setting healthy boundaries. You'll want to look up the companies that you're interested in on Glassdoor and see how flexible the work environment is and how many hours a week you might be expected to work. You'll want to be clear with your hiring manager and supervisor about your goals regarding work-life balance. It's better to be up front and direct about your aspirations and work collaboratively with your supervisor to get there. You can find ways that you can contribute or demonstrate your worth as an employee if they are hesitant in helping you get work-life balance. Setting healthy boundaries means saying "no" when people try to unload work they're responsible for onto you. It's often appropriate to help others out, but make sure that they're not taking advantage of your generosity or flexibility. Come up with a good idea of what your boundary is between being an effective team player and what would start to feel like being a doormat for others. It's not fair to you if you stay late working on a project that belongs to someone else and they're not willing to sacrifice their own time for their own project.
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Katherine’s Answer

It can only be said that working time is a part of life. How long is the working time is how much time is allocated to work, and the rest is private time
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Maximo’s Answer

Finding a job that brings you joy is a great start to this balance. The concept of Ikigai can help you find something that meets your needs. Imagine a venn diagram with 4 overlapping circles
What you are good at
What the world needs
What you love
What you can be paid for

The more of those you are able to find the more satisfied with work you'll likely be. Not being drained from your day job makes it so much easier to find balance with the things you enjoy doing outside of work.
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angel’s Answer

It will take your whole life to learn how to balance between your job and personal life, you should find a comfortable way to do. We got different goals in different stage, that's why we need to figure it out what we want to achieve at that time. You also can make a plan for yourself to stay alone to reflect yourself and slow down your step.
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Louis’s Answer

Hi Ana,

First, I suggest you can measure if your work is related to your passion.

If yes, do not mind to merge your job with your personal life. Two things you should care about are your mental and physical health, remember not to stress yourself too much. It's because once your health get damaged, you can no longer perform well in your work also.

If your work is not related to your passion, I don't suggest you work after your duty hours since you are paid for work and you should have your own time. There are more meaningful way to spend your time. Do something you really want to do or something that can relax yourself.


Hope these suggestions can help a little bit. All the best.

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Race’s Answer

Work life balance!!
Thank you comment icon Hi Race, how do you maintain a work life balance? Gurpreet Lally, Admin
Thank you comment icon During the working hour, work as hard as you can! After work, cut off all the things related to work then enjoy the things you willing to do! Race Tin
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Stephanie’s Answer

There are some great answers here!

I block the time out in my work diary to ensure that I am putting aside time for working out. This is an important part of my life and really helps with my mental and physical health. My team are all aware that I love to go to the gym and I do this a the same time each day.

It is important to carve out time for yourself and then stick to it.
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Donald’s Answer

Hi Ana,
I'm Donald, nice to see your question and hope I can help.

First, I assume that your job is able for you to work-life balance which means you don't need work over time. Some kind of industries need their employees to work on shift.

Second, you make a schedule for a week from Monday to Sunday. This is way more easy for you to manage your spare time because you just need to follow your plan.

Third, try to approach more level of hobbies. Get to know more about this world not only things surrounded you. So that can help you to extend your viewpoint.

Forth, solid your interpersonal savvy. More or less the same logic with the third point. Get to know more about your friends and person around you.

To concluded, after you went through all the points above. You will figure out how does it work to organize your time.

Hope you enjoy your time.

Your sincerely
Donald. L

Donald recommends the following next steps:

To make sure your job is flexible enough
Make your own schedule
Approach more level of hobbies
Solid your interpersonal savvy
Go through all the points above and repeat
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Lori’s Answer

Work-life balance is a lifelong challenge for most people. The best tool I have used is to set boundaries and state them to others, hold to them. Do not apologize for your boundaries! Whether that is saying "Sorry I can't take calls after 6 PM as that is family time" or "I am not able to take on an extra project at this time". I have found that more times than not, coworkers and management will respect that you are putting up guardrails between business and personal, which is healthy for everyone! And this takes practice - keep doing it until it becomes second nature to always think of how a meeting, call, project, etc. might bleed into personal life too much and make your choice based on that.
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Melanie’s Answer

Hi there - this is a great question!
*Definitely make a schedule for yourself - think about how much time is required or that you want to dedicate to a certain activity and set that amount of time aside to do whatever task is planned
*Stay focused! You'll get the work done faster and more efficiently
*Remember to take breaks when necessary! Burnout is possible, so taking a break, while it may seem like you are delaying the work that needs to be done, may actually help you get the work done faster if your brain gets a break
Best of luck!
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Karen’s Answer

It can be challenging especially when working at home. I have an office in my home and this is the only location I will work. When I leave this office, I close the door behind me. I don't bring work home for lack of a better phrase. When working at home one might have a tendency to put in more hours so you need to know when to walk away. Determine your work schedule hours and try to adhere to them. Tomorrow is another day.
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Shalee’s Answer

I find work life balance to be a huge thing in my life. I understand that there are times my job may get more stressful and some things in my personal life may take the back burner but I always try to ensure that I have at least an hour a day that is for myself.

Exercise is a huge outlet for me, it helps me deal with stress and anxiety and helps balance me all around. I have really found that because of this if I try to guarantee at least 30 minutes a day for me to have this outlet it helps me tackle everything else in a more efficient manner.

I think its important for you to find an outlet that will help you take a step back when you are feeling overwhelmed and look at the big picture and that also allows you to just step away for a moment to decompress.

No matter the stresses and demands of your job, or your family or whatever it is so important for your to take time for yourself to maintain a healthy mindset.
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Dan’s Answer

Hi Ana,

That is a great question. Finding the optimal work life balance is definitely a challenge endeavor.

In my experience, it can take some trial and error, and it is important to find out what works for the individual. I have seen some good guidance, but I am not sure if there is a true "one-size fits all" to this question.

One thing that has helped me is determining a daily or weekly prioritization of my "To-do" list. It has also been important to remember that no one is perfect and if one fails, it is most important to just get up and try again.

It has also been beneficial (for me) to try and match my actions with my words....basically I am doing what I say I am doing. It is important to allocate time to both work and my personal life. My current approach is that during my working hours - work gets highest priority (unless an emergency comes up) and I set a work stop time in the evening where I turn my attention to my family. It has been very helpful especially during the Shelter-in-place.

"AFK" - away from keyboard is key to maintaining balance in my personal life. Good luck and I sure you will find the right balance that works for you.

Have a great day,

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Air’s Answer

Hi Ana,

I am glad to hear your question because I realise how important it is after I started to work for different companies.

Therefore, I can share some of my thoughts.

1. Get the job that fits you

It may sound impossible nowadays to get an ideal job easily, but I strongly recommend you to keep trying and searching for the job that fits your requirements. Instead of getting stuck with the current job, just be confident and patient to look for the job that can offer you the preferable working hour and holidays for your private time.

2. Track your time management

If you feel like you do not have enough time to maintain work-life balance, we can try to make a weekly plan to record what we wish to do, then we can take notes daily to record what we have done, then you can easily find out where you spent most of your time on and try to make some changes.

3. Enjoy life, forget work

After work, try to forget everything about work and enjoy your private time. The best way is to do the things you like or develop a new habit.
Find your passion and set a small goal in short term.
e.g Clean your room, finish a book or hangout with friends etc.

Wish you can fully enjoy your job and your private time!

All the best

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Candace’s Answer

Hi Ana!

First of all this is a great question. It's one that I think we all kind of figure out in our own ways, but personally I have found a few little things that have really helped me in this regard.

The most helpful tool that I've found in organizing my professional life as well as my personal life is a very simple one: Lists. I am a very visual person, so seeing things written out and divided in front of my own eyes really helps me process the information and the balance of the two sides of my life. So for the month I will make two lists. One for my professional goals and one for my personal goals. One is not more important than the other. In my opinion, both of these lists should be given equal energy and thought.

In each of the categories below I like to have all the information in one list, but separated in the middle to keep my thoughts organized.

I think it's alway important to give yourself some grace when you are working on organizing these two sides of your life. Balance is hard. It can take a lot of trial and error to find it, but I hope this idea helps give you something tangible to look at and keep you on track!

Best of luck!


Candace recommends the following next steps:

Monthly Lists: I like to make a list of things that I would like to accomplish for the month. Often times these things get built up over time and the list starts to look a bit overwhelming, so I try to prioritize and then divide the list into smaller steps that need to be accomplished first.
Weekly Lists: After dividing up the monthly list into a smaller list of priorities, I set out on trying to accomplish the most pressing matters first. For instance, anything with an upcoming deadline I will place at the beginning of my list for the week.
Daily Lists: Every morning I try to update my daily list with a few manageable bullet points that I can realistically accomplish that day. Sometimes you run out of time the day before to accomplish everything on that list, so you carry those bullet points over to the next day and mark them as important. (I like to do this by putting an exclamation mark next to the bullet point). Overall the idea is to keep up with your goals daily and reassess your goals every month. Hope this helps!
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Shiyoung (David)’s Answer

Hello Ana!

Good question! I also have an experience to suffer from the balance between work and personal life. When I was an entry level associate, I tried my best to work as much as I can so that I could develop myself and learn various skills for my work. However, it made me to be exhausted at some points and led me feel unhappy about my work. In addition, as I accepted every work assigned to me, the workload was also too much heavy for me and, as such, led me get too much stress. Hopefully, I had very nice senior helping me to get out of this situation by proper advice. His advice was as below.

1) Say "No" – Most entry level associates are not good at saying "No" to his/her seniors as they think it could be rude or led the negative results. However, it is necessary to say "No" to seniors if you cannot handle the task so that your seniors could figure out your capability and properly assign the workload. It is not like bad or good issue but just a management technique by properly maintaining the work/life balance.

2) Set own priority – If you do not set the priority in your work, you may face the lots of workload unsolved in proper deadline. This situation could decrease the work efficiency and let you easily feel pressure. By setting the priority of work, you could solve the urgent work step by step and reduce the workload efficiently.

I hope these advices from my senior could also help you to maintain the balance between work and personal life.
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Pamela’s Answer

For me, I have learned it is all about prioritizing. It may take you a bit to figure out what is a priority for you, but for me it looks like this:

I have a bit of a commute, so my typical Monday-Friday looks like work, coming home for dinner, doing a 30-40 minute exercise, and relaxing by playing a game/watching TV, etc. before going to bed. I do not put pressure on myself to work on personal creative projects after work because for me the exercise and relaxation is more important. Occasionally I will make time to see friends after work, and if I do it usually entails getting dinner, and then coming home to go to bed.

On the weekends, I try to make time in the mornings for creative projects, and then the rest of the day can be whatever. Lounging around by myself, playing games/watching TV, enjoying the outdoors, spending time with family and friends, etc.

The key is to figure out what is the most important to you, and stick to it, but also allow for flexibility and what last minute things life may throw at you! If you do not have a planner, or some sort of daily checklist, that could be helpful to keep track of what you need to/want to do so you can make sure you make time for things and do not forget about others!
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Gabrielle’s Answer

Well if by "job" you mean a regular job that isn't your career, those are usually only handled during your shift or "time on the clock." As for your career, that is where you put in over time. If you are in the career field of your dreams, there are definitely blurred lines. A dream career is something that most have described as something you would ALMOST do for free...almost. It's something you don't mind getting up extra early for, and staying later than everyone else to do. It's being excited to get to do this thing, every day. When you are going after your dreams, there is a lot of work to put into it, and sometimes personal life can/will take a back seat. Most people when they are in their dream career, don't worry about personal life because they get to live out a passion every single day. Now there is always balance that needs to happen in everything we do, but only you would know how to separate that time. You have to build enough discipline to know when you need to wind down for your sanity and to also remember to "smell the roses" along the way. So while all the other answer are great, remember dreams aren't built within 40 hour weeks.
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Helen’s Answer

Probably this doesn't work for everybody. So it goes like this:

- Wake up
- Give thanks for a new day, my health and my family
- Check twitter
- Drink tea
- Exercise, 10 minutes warm up dancing and 1 hour focused exercises
- Shower
- 30 minutes Online Portuguese class
- Connect to work

At work, what I do first is to check my emails, then check my to do list (I use OneNote) and add any item pending, check my upcoming meetings and see If I have to prepare for any of them.
This usually works when things are under control, but obviously if there's any specific request, the routine may change a little.
Remember to drink at least 0.52 galons of water. Another thing is that I don't have children, so the organization may be different in this situation. Important thing to remember is to always make time for your personal life . Also important to find a job that allows you to do that, more know throughout this pandemic of COVID-19.

Hope this helps.