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Jason Kuok’s Avatar

Jason Kuok

Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations
8 Answers
7641 Reads
1 Karma
Emilie’s Avatar
Emilie May 24, 2016 1136 views

What area in Texas is the most receptive to new business?

I am a senior in high school and I am about to go to college and get my degree in entrepreneurial studies. I plan to open my own business after I graduate from college. I know there are many requirements when starting a business and location is an important one. I plan on staying in Texas, but...

Ana’s Avatar
Ana Jun 19, 2020 1464 views

How do you organize your time between your job and personal life?


Ana’s Avatar
Ana Jun 19, 2020 580 views

Do employers value more experience or education in these fields?


Carolina’s Avatar
Carolina May 29, 2020 475 views

Do you have any book recommendations for someone interested in law school ?

I am a junior in high school and I want to know if there is anything that can help with improving my knowledge about being a lawyer ? #lawyer

Dylan’s Avatar
Dylan Dec 26, 2019 704 views

Can anyone give me and or guide me to advice on rental property real estate?

I am interested in learning about rental properties as a form of passive income. #rentalproperties #realestate #investing #passiveincome

holden’s Avatar
holden Jun 01, 2020 789 views

can i be a delivery driver?

i like riding my e bike

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Mar 27, 2018 893 views

Is it hard to find a job as a German Interpreter?

I would love to major in German in college, but I am not sure if that is a good language to study. Most European countries now study English as a second language , so I don't know how in demand German skills will be!! #german #foreign-languages #travel

Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Jun 03, 2020 2978 views

What do you wish you knew before going to college and deciding your major?

I have one more year left of high school and am currently looking into colleges and majors to decide where I will be applying to in the fall. As excited as I am for the future, I am very new to all of this and want to make the right decisions when it comes to paying for college, choosing the...