What is a good way to start a manga.
Because i like manga and i want to get into that busisness in thefuture #art #manga
2 answers
Camisha’s Answer
The most important step you'll want to take is practicing everyday. That might seem like a given but the more you practice drawing from life and imagination as well as writing short stories will help build the skills needed to make your future manga and other works you do more dynamic.
You may also want to look into studying illustration or sequential art. Sequential Art is the use of images in a sequence for graphic storytelling or conveying information. These types of classes, as well as even story-boarding classes, will help you develop the skills needed to illustrate and write a manga.
There are also a wide variety of books available that can give you a bit of ahead start, some you may want to look into are anatomy books for artist, books on writing for graphic novels/comics, even art books from your favorite manga artist are good to look at, there are even books that will give you pointers on the business of creating and getting a graphic novel published.
Another thing you may consider is creating one-shot or short web series and publishing it online, there are a variety of manga hosting sites ranging in size. If you look into this route though, ALWAYS read the terms and service and privacy policy for any website you post your work onto. Even one-shot manga often turn into long running series and it's always safe to make sure you aren't accidentally giving up your rights as an artist away. Most sites you won't have to worry about that, but again it's important once you start publishing any work online to keep track of any changes to user agreements.
Archived’s Answer
Hi there! Manga is a form of visual storytelling, so if you want to get into manga/comic art, start by studying both how to draw and what makes good writing for a story. To create professional level comics, you'll have to be skilled in both. A comic with pretty art is nice, but if you don't have a good story, people may not want to read it. Don't be afraid to learn from all types of artists and writers, because there's something to learn from everyone, and don't be afraid to learn from the work around you studying realism. Some colleges offer majors or classes in sequential art and storytelling, so you could look into those. Practice drawing, take drawing and writing classes, and don't be afraid to practice making comics and sharing them online or with your friends. Best of luck!