What advice/steps would you give me to pursue a singing or dancing career?
I am a 10th grader at Boston Collegiate Charter School and I am a great dancer and singer. I need a little advice and help with pursuing these hobbies that I enjoy and eventually mastering and being successful in the future. #dance #singing
3 answers

Anthony V. Crivello
Anthony V.’s Answer
Education is the highest priority. Get your degree. Aim high. Begin to study now. Not just acting and singing ... all subjects. Make sure your grades are the best they can be right now... that will help you get into a good college program. Pay attention to all your classes now ... a broad based education will serve you later. Keep your eyes and ears open to all that is around you. Observe 'human behavior.' Start to write -- write a script. It does not matter if it is great today- just write. Write about what interests you. Give back to your community. You'll be surprised who you will meet along the way. No drugs... no drinking. They will sidetrack your journey.
Tracy’s Answer
Practice, practice, practice!!!! Find a classical voice teacher to train proper vocal technique. If your school or place of worship has a choir, join it! The choir director will be a musician who can help you with more advice. Always remember, you have to be comfortable with and encouraged by your teachers. Work with someone who knows how to correct and improve you without being mean or putting you down, ever!
For dance, you must have at minimum, two years of ballet for any theatre dance discipline. You're in Boston !! Go to Mose Mateo's Ballet Theatre of Boston in Kendall square and sign up for their ballet classes. For musical theatre, jazz, contemporary and tap, find Andrea Hawkins on Facebook and ask her where to take class. I'm not sure she's still teaching, but if she is TAKE HER CLASS :). She has been a sought after teacher in Boston for decades. Unfortunately, Janette Neill is closing her studio. THAT would have been the place to study some jazz and theatre dance, as well. Find a song you like to sing, that you connect with, and that you know really well. Find someone who plays the piano and practice with them. This will be your audition song. Find auditions in your area for shows and get out there! Read biographies of musical theatre performers/singers and dancers that you like. Watch the show Bun Heads on You Tube. It's awesome and has real info about the world of dance. Break A Leg!!
Wael’s Answer
It isn't an easy career what you are looking for; however, you can start it at the drama/theater club at school. You could also record covers and post them on youtube. Mic nights could be useful too. Afterwards, you could take your talent to college and forge it there. I never heard about a program that includes dancing and singing together but you could look for one.