In what region would a college graduate find the most success in finding a job as a Video Game Designer or something related?
I am willing to move, I am willing to spend all my time searching and making myself as appealing as possible to employers. This is the one industry I want to put my foot in the door and never remove it. I write fiction for fun, I study in my own time, I am dedicated and committed to learning, and I would not be happy unless I had a job that allowed me to be creative with a team of like-minded individuals. #college #job-search #career #videogames
3 answers

Raj Mukerjee, CISA
Raj’s Answer
There are several different hubs for technology and games. I have found that no one place is the mecca so to speak. That being said, there are certain territories which are known to help in encourage this initiative. Some of these places are San Fran, Portland, Atlanta, New York and Cleveland.
Good luck !

Nicole Blackman
Nicole’s Answer
I don't think there are specific regions that are best for video game design, but I would try to start by looking at companies you would be interested in working for and that may provide some guidance. You might find many companies you're interested are located or have offices in the same area. For example, Epic Games is based in Cary, NC, which is not far from some popular cities in the Carolinas like Raleigh. If you'd prefer to start by city, I would say LA, San Francisco, and New York are probably good places to start.
Steve’s Answer
I would check Florida for openings, as well as Atlanta knowing it's a very close big city. however, here's the top cities for this position
1. London
With 108 studios in total, London takes the cake. Options abound, with studios from the Namco Europe office to the indie Payload Studios. Sure, people complain about some of the restaurants and food options there. But with cuisine choices as abundant as game studios, you’re bound to find something that you like.
2. San Francisco
Weighing in at a solid 107 studios, San Francisco takes second place. There’s nothing quite like designing games to a beautiful bay view. If this is your choice, here’s a handy guide to nicknames for the city.
3. Tokyo
You might’ve guessed that you’d see Tokyo somewhere on this global list of game developer hotbeds. At third place with 101 studios, it doesn’t disappoint. If you’re looking for a dense city in an island nation, this is your spot!
4. Paris
The city of hazelnut spreads and romance, where the only flakes are found on perfectly-baked pastries. Well, we can’t really speak to the abundance or lack of flakes in Paris, but we can tell you there are around 85 game studios.
5. Austin
Back to the states, this time taking a scenic southern route. Austin Texas places 5th on our list with about 74 videogame-oriented studios to look into.
6. Los Angeles
The “double-play.” The “back-to-back.” Whatever you want to call it, we stay in the US for city number six. LA boasts an impressive 69 studios.
7. Seattle
The “triple-play!” The hattrick! The US strikes again, and we’re back in the west. Seattle marks three in a row for the states, and four ranked cities in total. Gamedevmap indicates there are 67 studios in this rainy place. Rain, perfect reason to stay inside and play games (or make them!)
8. Montreal
We go north! Heading up from the United States we enter Canada, where we’ll stay for the remainder of the list. A total of 58 studios can be found in Montreal.
9. Vancouver
Vancouver is another Canadian game design hotbed, touting 54 studios overall.
10. Toronto
The third and final Canadian game-developer haven is Toronto with 38 studios. It’s a far cry from London’s 108, but it has enough to make the list!