Who is in need of childcare service, regardless of health,learning, or developmental challenges
I am a freshman studying Early Childhood Education as Illinois State University, currently home doing online classes. I have always loved spending time with children. I have nannying experience with mainly infants and toddlers. The children I have cared for have had health, development and learning challenges that I have learned to aide with. #education
6 answers

Mary Jane Saras
Mary Jane’s Answer
Briguitte’s Answer
Families on many occasions require help or support for the care of their children, due to the multiple activities they must carry out. When this type of service is requested, there are variants that come into play, such as: cognitive, motor and psychosocial development. The first step is to know the family, the environment and the customs that prevail in the family in order to create an effective daily work plan.
David’s Answer
Jane’s Answer
Jane recommends the following next steps:
Patricia R’s Answer
As I read your question, I was ready to jot an answer, but now, I’m not sure I’m clear on what help you are looking for.
Are you asking if:
1. Childcare services are *available* to the diversity of children you’ve identified?
2. Childcare is *provided* for children with special needs? (By a state government; local school districts, local employers, etc.)
3. Children with the challenges you name are being *identified* at a young age?
a. If so, *who* is doing it?
b. If so, what *standards of practice* are being used to identify the children?
c. If not, *should* the services be offered, and by whom?
If you are interested in a more specific issue that I’ve not mentioned, please give me some clarification, and I’ll give it another try.
~ Patricia
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