Is Pharmacy a competitive job market? How competitive?
I plan on pursuing a career in Pharmacy and just want to know if the pharmaceutical field is competitive and to what degree. It is not that I think it may be too rigorous for me; I know I am capable. If anything, more rigor will only make me more humble and determined to succeed. My questions are just out of curiosity. #pharmacy #pharmacists #clinical-pharmacy #pharmacy-technicians
6 answers
Abdul Vaajid’s Answer
Hello, Tia
Indeed pharmacy is a very competitive but it depends what specific area of pharmacy you would like to work inn. Retail community chain pharmacy is very saturated in major cities but not so in rural areas. As far as clinical pharmacy positions are considered you can do an optional residence program ( 1 or 2 years post doctorate) or do a fellowship ( in specific area if you interested such as pharmacoeconomics or clinical study design or analysis) for a pharmaceutical company such as Abbott or Pfizer. The best part about pharmacy is that it is a versatile feild, you could own and run an independent pharmacy, or work as infusion pharmacist at long term care or provide prior authorization support for a PBM (prescription benefit manager).
Suggestion: I would ask you start getting a little bit experience in different field, get a job as certified pharmacy tech, work for a busy retail store or apply as a tech for hospital, gather as much experience even throughout pharmacy school so once you graduate you will have clear idea where you want to work.
Dianna’s Answer
Every Doctorate Level Health Professional Program is competitive (MD, DO, PharmD, etc.)
This is not a professional for those looking to make a quick buck.
Pharmacy is growing more and more competitive every year. It's not what it was 5 or 10 years ago.
Jobs in L.A. posted on job boards today are about $10/hr less than my first job out of Pharmacy School.
Some employers require 2 years of formal training after graduating with your doctorate (PharmD).
Others require a fellowship, internships, or a Masters or PhD if you want to work in research, academia, or history.
Every year, more and more pharmacy schools are opening and flooding the job market.
From my Personal Anectdotal experience on admissions commitees or when hiring, today's pharmacy school applicant and PharmDs have grades on par with med school applicants, some have Bachelors degrees and PhDs, and almost all have experience volunteering as well as working as a pharm tech.
Other new grads het hired on after graduation at places where they did their internship.
So Ask yourself:
1. Why Pharmacy School?
2. Would I still want to be a pharmacist if I only got paid twice as much as manager at a "fancy" fast food place?
3. Is pharmacy my passion regardless of the pay and time commitment involved?
4. Am I in this for the right reasons?
5. Will I be able to love on a tight budget after graduating?

Heba Bakhach
Heba’s Answer
Hi Tia,
I am a pharmacist with 6 years' experience. Pharmacy school was fine. Finding a job was difficult. In these six years, the pharmacy job market has gotten tighter and tighter. There are more pharmacists looking for work than there are jobs available. For example, I have six years' experience but it is difficult for me to find a full-time job in a field I like. I had to opt for an on-call position instead.
In order to be a competitive pharmacist, I recommend you pursue a 2-year residency after completing pharmacy school. Be prepared to spend a longer time studying and accumulating debt. If you do a residency, finding a job will be much easier. Keep in mind that after the residency you should stay up-to-date in your field by completing and maintaining board certification (more information at Board of Pharmacy Specialties website). I also recommend reading the pharmacy forums at Student Doctor Network. Everything they say there is true in my experience. If you have more questions, use the search function in the forum. There are a lot of people asking questions over there.
Vineeth’s Answer
Sonya’s Answer
<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Pharmacy is a tough field, no doubt. Floods of new graduates contributing to declining demand, and decreased reimbursement that makes it tough for pharmacies to pay their bills, and it is no wonder that pharmacists often have high levels of stress. While pharmacy is a great job, it is best to expand your knowledge, and skills so that you can not only work in a traditional pharmacy role, but are also qualified for nontraditional roles, and roles where a company might want someone with a PharmD, an MD, or any other number of professional healthcare degrees. Those can be tough skills to acquire when you are working full-time, but it is possible.</span>
Sonya recommends the following next steps: