4 answers
Is it worth being a doctor? I'm worried about missing my twenties
#medicine #premed
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4 answers
Richard’s Answer
Yes! It is absolutely worth it. There are a lot of long hours studying in the library followed by long hours in the hospital, but it is a fulfilling career. There are so many opportunities after medical school... different specialties appeal to different individuals. Or you can follow a nonclinical route in research or even hospital administration.
Dhaval’s Answer
Hi Jeff,
It all depends what are you passionate about.
If i were to ask you, why do you want to become a doctor...what would be your response?
It all depends what are you passionate about.
If i were to ask you, why do you want to become a doctor...what would be your response?
Philomena’s Answer
There is nothing to miss about your twenties when in medical school. It totally worth it. You can combine learning and having fun whilst in medical school but make sure you don’t fail any exams. It’s a beautiful career and fulfilling career.
Imagine after enjoying in your twenties, the urge is still there to go medical school. What will you do then. The earlier the better.
Imagine after enjoying in your twenties, the urge is still there to go medical school. What will you do then. The earlier the better.
Rahul’s Answer
It depends on the way you want your life to pan out in front of our eyes and how much control you desire over it. Bieng a doctor, requires a tremendous amount of commitment. There is very little assurance that you will be able to pursue a specific career path, but that does not mean that there is a paucity of other avenues (in medicine) . You can still have the opportunity to make time for things that you are passionate about while you are studying, and one of your passion could be your work. If you really think that life gets over once you step out of your twenties, I can only say that you need to develop a more wider perspective of the world around you and the opportunities that it presents.