What jobs can you get as a music business major?
I think I want to go in to publishing but I want to explore other options in music business. #business #music
4 answers
raymond’s Answer
lots of opportunities out there for you when you have your music business degree.. You can get a job working for Warner Brothers . Disneyland .many film companies are looking for someone who knows a lot about music Licensing for television commercials and other entertainment like movies.
Chris’s Answer
If your passion is music publishing you need two things.... a catalog of music that is special and unique, and a network of potential clients. There are many areas of music publishing. Which one is your passion?
dj harry hop’s Answer
trying to explore, my inner music views and dreams by working for major music firms. I have 8 years of experience in this field.
Gene’s Answer
Getting into music publishing like anything else isn't done overnight. You'll need a catalog of tunes/music. And to build a client list, another not easy task... You mentioned exploring other options in the music biz.. That's usually what one does while trying to break into another field in the Music industry. You could write for other singers/groups etc, and get your music out that way. Put out tunes your self as an artist. I can only generalize a little without knowing a lot more info about where you're at right now.