Should i do forensics as a general topic or chose a specific area?
I think all ares of forensic science is cool but i am wondering if i should major in forensics as a general science or as something specific like anthropology or pathology. #forensics
1 answer

Alexis Krouzkevitch
Alexis’s Answer
If you're unsure what field of forensic you want to enter a forensic science program (like the one at ASU) is perfect. Make sure the degree has units in all the sciences and a lot of chemistry (30 units or more).
If you want to be a forensic anthropologist you can double major in forensic science and anthropology (I had a friend at ASU do this and graduate in 4 years) or just do the anthropology major and do your Ph.D research in a forensic setting. For pathology you'll need to be a medical doctor and your pathology specialization won't come until your residency. The forensic portion is done in a fellowship after your residency.