3 answers
Currently pursuing a master’s degree in criminal justice, looking for a forensic psychology internship
So I am in my master’s degree program however, my undergraduate degree is in psychology. Psychology is the field where most of my experience is in. I wanted to know
1: will I be able to get a forensic psychology job even though my master’s degree is CJ? #forensics
3 answers
Carolyn’s Answer
You need to ask the people who already HAVE the kind of jobs you are interested in. Look them up on line in staff directories and ask for an Informational INterview. also known as "If I take you out for coffee will you share with me how you reached your current level inthe profession?" THen ne ON TIME, profesisonally dressed (Just like in the business illustrations: not jeans w/ shirt with buttons and a sports team jacket, and LISTEN AND TAKE NOTES. Do Not ask if what your specifically doing now will get you to this person;s job!!! LISTEN to how this person achieved. THen find at least 3 - 5 more people in that field and ask them for informational interviews. DO THIS TO LEARN, do not try to make an impression or ask "Hire me!" It's too soon for that. WRITE A THANK YOU NOTE on paper, and send with a stamp. This will impress the person you met with your scincerity and ability communicate effectively acoss all generations and cultures. I'm serious as a Heart Attack! Write a thank you note. Google it if you;ve not written one before.
C Warden
C Warden
Tatiana’s Answer
Answer to #1 - I believe so, you can tailor your experiences through your classes and internships as well as with your degree. For question #2 - I found: https://www.internships.com/psychology/philadelphia-pa which is a link with internships. You may find more in the way of networking on LinkedIn to find people to lead to an internship as well. Hope this helps!
Deborah’s Answer
You can also look for the jobs you would be interested in and see what the educational and experiential requirements are.
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