2 answers
Stephen’s Answer
Hi Jonathan,
Years ago, we used to have to work 54 hours a week. I guess they thought we sat around to much. LOL. In many of todays departments, they work a 2 10 hour days and then 2 14 hour nights. That figures out to be 42 hours a week. Then they have 4 days off in a row. There are still some departments that still work the standard 24 hours on 48 off. Not the shift I used to like but had to work it sometimes. Hope this answers you question.
Ryan’s Answer
I've never heard of any firefighters working a 60 hour week...unless you're talking about the average over the course of a year. This is possible, but you have to consider the fact that you're probably asleep for 16 or so of those hours, so don't think 60 hours a week means you're working 6 10-hour days every week.