2 answers
How hard is CRNA school?
Hello! I am a rising junior in high school, and am very interested in going into the medical field. However, I am not sure what I want to be. I am currently looking into CRNAs. From what I have seen, CRNA school is very difficult... Can it be compared to the level of difficulty that comes with medical school? #medicine #medical #doctor #college #medical-school #crna
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2 answers
CK’s Answer
CRNA school is extremely difficult, but for those who are determined to become CRNAs, it can be done. The CRNA program is very intensive, as it’s a graduate level program. Students have a tremendous amount of information to remember in CRNA school. CRNA school is so hard because of the massive amount of information that students have to retain. They may be expected to read several hundred pages of information each week that contains information they need to know for their lectures and clinical experiences. Students usually start with one of two days of clinical experiences and advance to 5 days per week, working 50 to 60 hours per week. The amount of time students need during CNRA school all depends on each students. Some students retain information rather quickly and many only need to study a few hours per day. Other students may need to student for 2 to 4 hours per day to understand the information. Yet other students may have to study for 6 to 8 hours per day to understand the content.
Natasha’s Answer
What draws to the medical field?
What inspired to think of that profession for many years and decades to come?
Think about: if not medicine, then what could else could I possibly do?
What are your strengths and talents?
What excites you about work?
It will be a tough and long journey to getting to the apex of your CRNA career. For now, take challenging courses such as Physics, Biochemistry, AP Calculus, AP History. They will stimulate your quantitative and contextualized thinking. Consider enrolling into an internship or volunteer program in the actual type of environment where you will be working everyday.
Keep learning and stay well,
What inspired to think of that profession for many years and decades to come?
Think about: if not medicine, then what could else could I possibly do?
What are your strengths and talents?
What excites you about work?
It will be a tough and long journey to getting to the apex of your CRNA career. For now, take challenging courses such as Physics, Biochemistry, AP Calculus, AP History. They will stimulate your quantitative and contextualized thinking. Consider enrolling into an internship or volunteer program in the actual type of environment where you will be working everyday.
Keep learning and stay well,