What can I major/do in if I want to pursue a career involving social work and international travel?
I want to help people, that's my interest in social work, and I want to travel. #social-work #international
2 answers

Allison Tuszynski, CGBP
Allison’s Answer
Having a career in social work and international travel sounds like it will be a rewarding and fun career. I would recommend that you study social work in college and consider another major as well. This could be International Studies or a language, or many other things. I highly recommend that you learn to speak another language (if you don't already) and study abroad for a semester at least while in college as this will help you be able to travel for work. Social workers are primarily employed by "schools, hospitals, mental health clinics, senior centers, elected office, private practices, prisons, military, corporations, and in numerous public and private agencies". This is from the National Association of Social Workers and I recommend you look into their website: www.socialworkers.org There you should be able to find information about more specific areas where you can use your social work skills internationally. Good luck!
Yandira’s Answer
Hi Calvin
I can only address sthe social work portion but international travel sounds fantastic. I know that NASW does international trips involving social work but not sure of details.
the majors to get into is sociology and psychology. Dont know if you are in college or HS but check out internships to explore possibilities.
Good Luck!