On the path to dental school, is it recommendable to acquire a B.A in a major not in the science fields? or is it better to keep a one track mind to prepare for the DAT test?
I am very interested in being an orthodontist one day. Coming from a small town in Mexico were dental care is not available to everyone, my goal is to share my knowledge with such towns. was hoping to get a B.A in Latin American Studies to be better prepared to travel south america providing aid. I'm just not sure if it ill really make a difference to major in L.A studies for my undergrad years. #dentistry #orthodontist #latin-american-studies
2 answers

Neil Pinney
Neil’s Answer
Most Dental Schools in the U.S. prefer candidates who are well rounded. They like to see a wide variety of experiences both in and outside the classroom. As long as you have your prerequisites, show some commitment to community service, and a good GPA, you'll meet the requirements of most schools. We have had a wide variety of degrees apply here at IU, everything from music majors, to social work, to business and many more. Latin American studies would be fine as a degree.
Steven’s Answer
Are you living in Mexico now? Do you plan on attending dental school in Mexico or the United States?