is majoring in psych difficult?
I am majoring in it. #psychology
2 answers
Jason’s Answer
Good Evening Kristie,
The level of difficulty differs from person to person. An undergraduate degree in Psychology is very general in the sense that each class you take will just be a general summary of that topic. Like Emily stated above, it's important to enjoy the content of the class, because the topics that you find interesting, you will find yourself gravitating towards possibly for graduate studies and beyond. I double majored in Psychology and Business Management, and found psychology to be filled with a lot of readings/case studies to understand various concepts. If you have that down, you should be alright for undergrad Psychology. If you have a field that you like more than others, see if any of your professors run a research lab where you can get more in-depth/hands-on experience with the topic to learn the jargon and processes.

Emily Livermore
Emily’s Answer
Great question! When I first started psychology, I had the same question. I think, like any major, it depends. I found that when I enjoyed the course content (rather than how hard the material actually was), the classes were fun and therefore easier.