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What is it like going to college?

I will be going to college. #college

Thank you comment icon I like college but it can be hard sometimes. Vanessa
Thank you comment icon Hi! There is a lot of great advice here. I am currently a college student in my second year of studies. College is awesome in many ways. To me, the biggest change was learning to live more independently - I am very close to my family, and therefore, moving away from them was very difficult. However, I am sooo glad I persevered ! In addition to the obvious opportunities to learn/study to attain a degree, I have learned to live more independently and gained many wonderful friendships with other students. I wish you the best of luck and if you have more questions feel free to ask! Sabina

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18 answers

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Mounia’s Answer

Hi there,
Going to college is a big experience and an amazing journey, let me just tell you that you will live the best and the worst time of your life in the matter of 4/5 years, you will loose and gain friends, weight,motivation, passion, but most importantly you will grow and learn to know and love yourself, my advice is for you to have a goal and set the bar high for achievements during the 4/5 years build your career early on, do not hesitate to go on exchange programs and summer abroad, volunter abroad or internship it will change your life,do a ton of voluntering get involved with sport, enjoy finals week, work in groups pay close attention to your first classes choose them wisely, keep a good paste through out the semesters, and never be the same person each semester, most importantly learn,be open, experience everything you can, say yes more often, whereever you go to college try to become a major community changer or at least player in it.

Good luck on your quest !

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Abgour’s Answer

It's awesome ! you get to know a different side of you. I recomment you be part of different clubs and paticipate in a lot of extra curricular activities and enjoy it to the fullest because 4/5 years of college, just like Shelby said, it will go before you know it.

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Shelby’s Answer

College was the best time of my life. Would I do it again? 100%. Being in the working word not even 1-month after I graduated was tough. Meet people, make connections, and don't blink because 4 years will go by before you know it.

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Satish ’s Answer

Hi Taylor,

Going to college is one of the important stage in any one's career.
However you need to have a goal clarity on what you would like to learn at college.
To gain the maximum out of the college you need to focus on the below:
Do what you love to do-choose your passion as your carrier path.
Have a clear goal and burning desire to achieve your goal.
Focus in study and always ensure you start to study from start itself.
Understand and learn.
Always follow systematic/organized approach in study.
Keep time for your hobbies.

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Vinod’s Answer

Going to college is good learning on higher studies to know more things and easy step to reach your goals.

Thank you comment icon Great answer. Appreciate it. Elijah
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Barbara’s Answer

it is wonderful! it is lots of hard work but well worth the effort. I got my bachelor's Degree as an older student and I an now working on my Masters, You are never too old to learn or achieve new things.

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Pradeep’s Answer

Going to college will be full of excitement. Concentrate on what you want to do and enjoy your college life. All the best for your future.

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Aishwarya’s Answer

First, my experience in college has given me a chance to sharpen my skills in my field of choice. There have been, and there will continue to be, many opportunities to learn more ways of improving my craft as a result of my time in school, which I am truly thankful for. For example, the Writing Center at my school has taught me many writing tips and rules that I was unaware even existed, and would still be unaware of had it not been a part of my experience. Because of this, I realized I still had a lot to learn despite what I thought; but this allows me to improve my skills more as I continue to attend school and also gives me more confidence in my area. And as a result, I know one day this valuable experience will help me in my search for another one-a rewarding career.

In addition to learning practical skills, being in college has also taught me a lot about social sciences such as sociology and history. For instance, I have had the privilege of learning about religions in unfamiliar parts of the world, such as Buddhism and Islam, that I had no knowledge of beforehand. From this experience, I have learned many interesting things about the cultures in which these religions are typically followed. Learning about many different religious ideas and practices in other areas of the world, like meditation, reincarnation, and the worshipping of multiple deities, has been valuable to me because it has cleared up some misconceptions I had, thus allowing me to be less ignorant on the topic. It has also given me a better understanding of others’ beliefs and traditions, no matter what region of the world they originated. This has made my time in college much more enriching and worthwhile.

Everybody has their own experiences be it good or bad and you should have your own because these are the experience that will affect you as a person and what shapes your character, and what you grow up to be.

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Paul’s Answer

College for me was almost like a right of passage and an opportunity to take control of my life. You have the capacity today to do or not do whatever you like. But the final score is the grades you obtain, your GPA and ideally a degree in an area you are passionate about. You will have to push yourself to stay focussed and deny distractions. Life takes work and college is your first work where you invest in yourself that will ideally pay dividends the rest of your life. This is a time where no one really tells you what to do (well, maybe, if someone is funding your way). But walking up to the podium to receive your diploma is an awesome sense of accomplishment. As Rocky obtained the boxing title in Rocky II, he raised it up and said, "YO ADRIAN, I DID IT!"

All the best in your college pursuit.

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Ken’s Answer

Hi Taylor!

Here are some insights into what you might expect in college:

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Christabelle’s Answer

Going to College is great, lots of new people to meet but most of all securing a good future and completing your degree so that your future would be solid.
All the best and have a superb time at college.

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Syed’s Answer

Going to college is a phase of life where you start the amazing transformation of becoming MAN from a BOY.
Everyone says its a phase of life to study and persue degrees, i strongly belive its not just about studies.
its also about that life time experience. you are gonna meet 100s of people and will be having very few newxt to you no matter what happens. They are the people you are gonna EARN.
You will be explored to IDEAS of what you actually wanna do with your life. Be postive about and have fun while you learn.
happy college days

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Todd’s Answer

The answer to your question largely depends on the college or university you attend. Each will have things that make them unique at a high level, meaning larger schools have similar qualities to each other as do smaller schools to each other. But beyond that, you should really be clear on what type of experience you want from college both with your academics and extra curricular activities:
Do you want to participate in Greek life?
Do you want to sing or play in a band?
Is it important for you to have a school that has Division 1 sports programs to cheer for?
Is there a special major that is only offered at certain schools?
Do you want the option for quiet dorms?
Do you prefer a huge campus with a very large student body? These are some of the things that you should list out for yourself first. From there you can seek schools that meet the criteria you set forth. If you do a good job with the list and your research, the answer to your question of what is college like will be AWESOME! Best of luck.

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Deepika’s Answer

In terms of meeting new people, it’s easier in college than, say, after switching to a new school in eighth grade. Every college freshman is new to the school, so it’s a lot less awkward to introduce yourself.

If you live in a dorm, it is like being at a massive sleepover with all your friends, every night. People are just a few doors down and always looking to hang out. Therefore, it takes profound skill to juggle both academics and a social life.

Usually on the weekends, we get together and cook dinner because eating out in the city is expensive. We make a lot of extra food so we all have leftovers throughout the week. Other regular activities we do together include going to concerts, plays and poetry readings.

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Gloria’s Answer

Hi Taylor,

College is a different experience for everyone. The general information that I would give you about college is this - you control what classes you take and when you take them. Also, you have much larger classes, sometimes up to several hundred people (depending on your school). That means that you may not ever have a one-on-one experience with some of your teachers.

What makes the experiences different? Your college major can be one area. Colleges within a university can be different sizes. You may have a small department with little support within the major. Also, you need to consider if you are living at home or living in the school dorms. Being at home while going to college is actually good since you do not change your environment but add college. When you go away from home to school, you have a harder learning experience along with learning about a new city, state, or country. I did go to school away from home and it was very scary. I did not have my regular support system and I was very homesick. Overall, I am glad that I went to school away from home, because I felt like it made me grow up faster.

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Aravindhan’s Answer

What should a high school senior know before going to college,

  1. Make sure you are interested in your career

  2. Choose a college which is famous for the career you have decided

  3. Try to make friends as much as possible whom you think will help to develop your career

  4. Try to learn about your professor's and make a close contact with them

  5. Try to manage your time because in school you will be held up with tight schedules and here you will not feeling like that

  6. Start to take decisions on your own and responsibilities for work you do

  7. Try to attend as much as possible seminars, educational tours and do participate as well

  8. Make sure you keep the good grade in all your semesters to get a good job placement in job

  9. Enjoy the college days as much as possible with your friends.

  10. Try to make good relationships with everyone as you were in school.

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Raghav’s Answer

n terms of meeting new people, it’s easier in college than, say, after switching to a new school in eighth grade. Every college freshman is new to the school, so it’s a lot less awkward to introduce yourself.Axel, college freshman

If you live in a dorm, it is like being at a massive sleepover with all your friends, every night. People are just a few doors down and always looking to hang out. Therefore, it takes profound skill to juggle both academics and a social life.

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Nandankumar’s Answer

You may wonder about making friends at college. Many people do. But you'll discover soon enough there are plenty of potential friends to meet.

What do you enjoy experiencing with others? Whether that's rock climbing or the camaraderie of a Greek society, chances are excellent you'll meet people you have much in common with. On the other hand, one of the big benefits of college is meeting new kinds of people, so going outside your comfort zone might surprise you. If you are a gamester whiz, maybe a rock climbing class will open up a whole world for you.

Even in bigger colleges, you will see the same people in your dining hall, dorms, and classes. In one of our Student Profiles, a student describes making friends while studying in the library. Even hanging out with students you meet in your dorm hallway is an easy way to make friends.

The important thing is to take that first step. Don't hole up in your room. Cut back on solitary amusements, such as computer games. Introduce yourself. Invite new friends out. Even something as simple as wearing a friendly face can get the ball rolling.