Best financially friendly Theatre Performance schools?
I'm curious because I have to pay for college on my own. I need to be able to manage it financially, but I am willing to take on some debt for solid training! #acting #musical-theatre #live-theatre
1 answer

Anthony V. Crivello
Anthony V.’s Answer
Seek information online with a Google Search- but don't limit it to just 'financially friendly Universities.' Apply for scholarships, financial aid, grants and work-scholarships. Seek which universities offer them in Theater, etc. Seek scholarships from outside sources, in your city and state as well as Government sources. A College education ( and a University Degree) is imperative to life and your future in the changing evolving marketplace. A BA is great, a Masters even better, a Doctorate still the best option, if you can. Now to further answer your question... A BA in Theater these days is very limited. Also... BA from what institution? Yale, Harvard, Carnegie Mellon, NYU, Julliard, Northwestern, UCLA, UCSan Diego, University of Chicago, Columbia (Chicago), etc. All these Universities off scholarship money to this win need. And attending those types of Universities will help you, because the Network you build now, will serve you down the line. That is good for your training, as well as smart business. The higher rated that institution is, the better. Aim high. Is this a guarantee for work? Well, it increases your odds, but there is no guarantee. But a degree from those institutions of higher learning will help. The training at all of those schools is thorough. But it would serve you better to have a 'broad based education' to achieve opportunities. So study of an instrument, of voice, of languages, of literature, of film, of acting (for stage, for film for television- all different skills), of comedy and Improv, of 'accents', of business, marketing, accounting and computers (because you will need all of those in your back pocket) -- to build your websites, promote yourself, protect yourself, look over your contracts, balance your budget to survive, etc. Broad based... as I stated. Begin to research where you want to go to university first. Begin there. Apply there. What about Shakespeare ... and comedy. You need all those skills. So even further study/ Summer programs in England. You must think with wider vision, or your potential and career will be limited. I was in the same position you are now. I was offered a Scholarship/work scholarship to a University- stayed two years on advise from my councilor and went into the marketplace. I was offered a scholarship/work scholarship to attend Northwestern after my sophomore year in college. Because aI looked at how much more expensive it would be, I chose to take my councilors advice and get into the marketplace. I've done well... but if I am advising myself today, I say "Accept the scholarship/work scholarship, go to Northwestern, Get the highest degree you can, obtain the broadest based education you can, make money while at school (apply for grants, more financial aid, etc. ---but don't get finances or debt now) - and broaden your Network with fellow students, teachers and the BIG University base. And don;t just aim at Theater. Include all the studies above and add film and television/ on both sides of the camera. Most importantly-- study hard, Aim High. PS: To seek scholarships, your grades are important NOW!! Study, study, read, read, and study. All the best.