4 answers
4 answers
Manoj’s Answer
There are many options:
a) Becoming a vet (animal doctor): Good career choice, less stressful and very good for someone passionate about animals.
b) Forest Officer / Park Ranger/ Trainer: Managing /Training/Caring
c) Animal Photographer: Combining the passion of photography and love of animals. Someone like National Geographic would value this talent. Also, video photography/and making documentaries on animal issues - could be something very interesting and valuable
d) Depending on animal type - you could specialize in everything on a particular category of animals - Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Wild animals, Pets, Whales etc.
e) Animal activists / preventing cruelty against animals - folks in Humane Society, PETA etc.
a) Becoming a vet (animal doctor): Good career choice, less stressful and very good for someone passionate about animals.
b) Forest Officer / Park Ranger/ Trainer: Managing /Training/Caring
c) Animal Photographer: Combining the passion of photography and love of animals. Someone like National Geographic would value this talent. Also, video photography/and making documentaries on animal issues - could be something very interesting and valuable
d) Depending on animal type - you could specialize in everything on a particular category of animals - Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Wild animals, Pets, Whales etc.
e) Animal activists / preventing cruelty against animals - folks in Humane Society, PETA etc.
Gina’s Answer
Hello-- A few ideas that come to mind:
Veterinarian/Veterinarian nurse
Pet groomer
Pet sitter
Marine biologist
Animal nutritionist
Wildlife biologist
Conservation land manager
Veterinarian/Veterinarian nurse
Pet groomer
Pet sitter
Marine biologist
Animal nutritionist
Wildlife biologist
Conservation land manager
Bernadette’s Answer
There are so many options to pursue with animals from veterinarian to zookeeper. The jobs available could be support staff, technical assistants or doctors. There are so many animals in need in shelters and volunteering there can truly tell is this is the field for you. Another option could be to work or volunteer at a zoo or veterinarian to gain more exposure to the types of jobs available.
Volunteer locally if possible to understand if you like the field
Talk to professionals in this field to ask questions to help you understand the options
Bernadette recommends the following next steps:
Nancy’s Answer
There's a plethora of jobs that you can do if you love animals! From being a veterinarian to a zookeeper to working at a pet shelter, the possibilities are endless. Rather than focusing too much on exactly what you want to be, I'd encourage you to focus on exploring various options and hear from people who are in a variety of careers. Focus on building a strong educational foundation now so that when the time comes you can follow a variety of career paths! Even if you don't end up pursuing a career working with animals, volunteering at animal shelters is always an option as well!