Can I take pre-req courses for psychiatry in community college, after I graduated with a psychology degree?
I will be graduating this year in June with a concentration in Psychology. However, I will be taking a gap year and build my resume. I would like to go to medical school to study psychiatry but I am well aware that I have not taken any science/math courses expect Pre-Cal and Stats. #psychiatry #healthcare
3 answers
Suzanne’s Answer
Suzanne recommends the following next steps:
Jazhel’s Answer
I am not sure how a medical school would evaluate credits and I am assuming that you mean lower level credits. What I do know is that most universities will not accept or transfer lower level courses from other schools. You should check with the med school that you are applying to and find out if lower level credits offered at a community college would transfer to their school.
Yasemin’s Answer
I hope this helps!
Best of luck!
Yasemin recommends the following next steps: