[closed] How far can a leading manager go with charisma in his or her workplace?
My name is Aimee and I am a business major with a major of administration and a concentration of management. I like to learn more about practicing management knowledge, and therefore I am dedicated to gaining some more knowledge. Can charisma help someone reach out to others in times of need and joy? I have read that people can communicate better with some charisma, or enthusiasm when they speak. How successful can someone become with this approach to working? Is it the best approach to use when you are busy with something, such as arranging a meeting?
Thank you. #business-administration #office-management
1 answer
Baker’s Answer
Charisma is an integral part of leadership. However, it can be overemphasized and lead to negative results. I suggest you focus on leadership more specifically. Those who lead successfully will have great futures. It should also be noted that there is no substitute for knowledge and experience. Leaders are often expected to be experts in their trade.