What are the risks of becoming a nurse anesthetist?
I know that you can catch certain diseases from patients and that there is a lot of responsibility with making sure the amount of medicine is right. #nursing #health
1 answer

Steffi Vaughan
Steffi’s Answer
Having a father who is a nurse anesthetist, I have seen the pros and cons of this type of work. First of all, anyone who works in a hospital setting is going to be prone to diseases. Being a nurse anesthetist does not increase your chances of obtaining more disease. Secondly, getting a degree as a N.A, is extremely hard. You have to get your R.N. in nursing and then work preferably in the ICU at a hospital for at least one year before even applying to school. My father went to school in Chattanooga, TN. for N.A, and out of 250 applicants, only ten were accepted. It is an extremely difficult type of school to get into. Make sure you obtain at least a 3.5 gpa through college. Then work in the ICU for at least a year and see if you can get someone to mentor you who is a seasoned N.A. at your hospital. Then you can get a good reference to submit with your application to N.A. school. In total, it takes about 7 years to complete your degree and work before you can become an N.A. But with hard work and dedication you can do it! My father absolutely loves his job and would never do anything else, so go for it!!!!