Is it possible for someone to go from a R.N to a Doctor?
Hello I am currently in job corp as of right now and I am working on getting certified as a C.N.A. I wanted to know if it was possible for me to go from a nurse to a doctor and if so how Would I be able to do that.#doctor #nurse #medicine #nursing #health care
4 answers
kinjal’s Answer
yes there are multiple life size examples of these.
James’s Answer
It sure is. You will need a few things to get accepted to medical school. It also depends on if you want to be an MD, DO, or some other flavor of doctor (eg DPM).
What do you need?
1) A high school diploma
2) a Bachelor of Science from an accredited university. You should probably focus on Biology or Chemistry, but really any science degree should be fine. You also need a 3.0 or better upon graduation.
3) You'll also need some letters of recommendation. Usually you'll need 3, but you could need more, depending on the school and scope of recommendations.
4) You need to do something outside of the standard academics to stand out. Get into extracurriculars like student government or even sports.
5) You must take the MCAT and get a pretty darn good score to get into medical school.
James recommends the following next steps:
Richard’s Answer
There was a nurse in my medical school class and one of the other radiologists in my hospital was a nurse before medical school.
During or after obtaining your nursing degree you need to fulfill premed requirements and take the MCAT.
Typical medical school prerequisites include:
Biology: Lecture – 4 semesters; Lab – 1 semester
General Chemistry: Lecture – 2 semesters; Lab – 1 semester
Organic Chemistry: Lecture – 2 semesters; Lab – 1 semester
Biochemistry: Lecture – 1 semester
General Physics: Lecture – 2 semesters; Lab – 1 semester
Math: Statistics – 1 semester
English: Rhetoric (Composition) and Literature – 2 semesters