1 answer
What is the best career to get in Astronomy/Art?
I like art and astronomy but i'm still a bit confused on what subjects I need to learn first #art #astronomy#science#painting
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1 answer
William’s Answer
Hey Grashy,
My name is William and I have and interest in both also. One of the most important things that I learned in Astronomy was If you can find (Ursa Minor) the little dipper in the night sky. The end of the handle is Polaris, the North Star. The bottom two stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper point to the North Star. That's the way sailors could navigate at night because they could point to the north. Didn't know if you knew that or not?
I don't look at art and see ugly, I see brilliance. "Beauty is only in the eye of the beholder" which means some people see things as ugly, and some see them as beautiful! It's creative ideas that come from a persons mind, "thoughts!"
I am partial to the Arts because I am a painter in construction. I have come a long way since then and have diversified into many different aspects of Art. I paint walls that look like marble or granite, it's called Trompe l' oiel, a French word for, "trick the eye". My passion for Art has gone way beyond colors.
It comes down to getting paid for what you love to do. I personally, have made a living in the arts for 45 years and it's been a good life! My advice is to choose art, because you can become free and creative with your ideas. There are so many fields it could lead to. Find your passion! I would love to here back from you Grashy, If you can comment please do!
Research Astronomy What part of Astronomy do you want to know?
It takes 7 months to get to Mars. Would you like to go there?
Di Vince drew a helicopter way before it came into existence. What's in your mind?
Research Art and see the ways you can go with it, the many different aspects. Are you an Artist?
If you had to pick a field, which would it be Astronomy or Art? Before you answer that get more feed back from the astronomers point of view.
My name is William and I have and interest in both also. One of the most important things that I learned in Astronomy was If you can find (Ursa Minor) the little dipper in the night sky. The end of the handle is Polaris, the North Star. The bottom two stars in the bowl of the Big Dipper point to the North Star. That's the way sailors could navigate at night because they could point to the north. Didn't know if you knew that or not?
I don't look at art and see ugly, I see brilliance. "Beauty is only in the eye of the beholder" which means some people see things as ugly, and some see them as beautiful! It's creative ideas that come from a persons mind, "thoughts!"
I am partial to the Arts because I am a painter in construction. I have come a long way since then and have diversified into many different aspects of Art. I paint walls that look like marble or granite, it's called Trompe l' oiel, a French word for, "trick the eye". My passion for Art has gone way beyond colors.
It comes down to getting paid for what you love to do. I personally, have made a living in the arts for 45 years and it's been a good life! My advice is to choose art, because you can become free and creative with your ideas. There are so many fields it could lead to. Find your passion! I would love to here back from you Grashy, If you can comment please do!
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