What job opportunities are available for those that majored in Theatre?
I am a junior in High School and I was wondering if there were any job opportunities for a theatre major fresh out of college due to the possibility of acting not working out? #theatre #theater
2 answers
David H.’s Answer
There are countless opportunities for a theater major fresh out of college that do not include acting. The Theater Communications Group at http://www.tcg.org/ can provide employment information through their Job Search service. If you are interested in pursuing a career in theater you should use your college years to learn as much about the art and craft of theater as possible. As you pursue your interest in acting, do not neglect the back stage elements that contribute to a theatrical production: costume design and construction, make-up, stagecraft and scenic painting, stage engineering, lighting, sound, projection and production, properties handling, special effects, stage managing, assistant directing. the list seems endless. Do not neglect classes in the history of theater, dramaturgy, how to read a script, film and video production. Make the study of mime, puppetry and masks as well as movement, dance and singing part of your acting curriculum. If you work hard at the art and craft of Theater you will find plenty of job opportunities. If you don't, you will be in a position to create your own job.

Eugene Cordell
Eugene’s Answer
The opportunities are immense for theatre. Apart from traditional stage play productions, there are fridge and concert type events that need people who know how to handle all aspects of production, including lighting, press releases, set design, costume, make up, directing, producing, and graphic design - all of which can be used for careers in film and videogame industries. I've taken an assistant job for Super Massive once for lighting and script editing thanks to my background in Theatre productions. The key thing is to keep a health resume of at least two theatre productions annually, either for pay or free, so to present your experience fresh. I usually look at Backstagejobs.com for gigs, but community theatre isn't too far to keep me active. Typically, small companies die out quick, so please please take photos of your work, in case your employer needs any visual proof of your past work.