Is it better to gain a degree that is non-specific such as Chemical Engineering rather than a specialized degree such as Petroleum Engineering?
I am curious whether if it is in my best interest to leave my options open when obtaining a degree so I have more options when obtaining a career or gain a specific degree for a career. #chemical-engineering #petroleum-engineering #petroleum-industry
2 answers

Daniel Lopez Zepeda
Daniel’s Answer
Colleen’s Answer
Hi Bradley! I had the same question when I was in college! So I completely understand. I ended up majoring in Chemical Engineering because there seemed to be the broadest number of career opportunities available to Chemical Engineers plus the university I was attending did not specifically offer Petroleum Engineering (many don't) as a major. Many of the ChemE students that I graduated with went directly into the Oil & Gas industry, and I've been working in a large chemical manufacturing facility for the past few years since I've always been passionate about specialty/commodity chemical production processes and am now transitioning into a a role with an Oil & Gas/Energy company simply because it's located closer to where I live in Houston. My point is that, in my opinion, unless the job you are looking for specifically requires a degree in Petroleum Engineering (which some do) you will be able to graduate with a Chemical Engineering degree and go directly into the Petrochemical/Oil/Gas realm as long as you remain academically competitive in college.
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