3 answers
How does one become an international lawyer?
I want to get in to the field but do not know how #law #international
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3 answers
Jesse’s Answer
International law is pretty broad (e.g. Arbitration, international transactions, immigration, governmental, etc.). I'd recommend figuring out what type of law you want to practice, then while in law school figuring out which firms that recruit from your school have international clients.
Matthew’s Answer
You need to obtain an undergraduate degree (4 years) and then possibly 3 to 4 years of law school. Once passing the bar exam in the state in which you wish to practice you can apply for jobs as an attorney.
I would suggest that you do some time of internship with an immigration attorney. It also helps if you can speak another language. From my understanding, Spanish, French, and any type of Asian languages are preferable.
If you would like to try to find an internship, please feel free to reach out to me. This post does not create an attorney client relationship and if you have more questions please consult another attorney.
Good luck!
I would suggest that you do some time of internship with an immigration attorney. It also helps if you can speak another language. From my understanding, Spanish, French, and any type of Asian languages are preferable.
If you would like to try to find an internship, please feel free to reach out to me. This post does not create an attorney client relationship and if you have more questions please consult another attorney.
Good luck!
Doug’s Answer
Do your research. Where did the attorneys who are involved now go to law school. Don't know their names? Look for a firm that advertises their services overseas and look for the individual attorneys; then go to the State Bar webpage and look them up. The school will be listed.
The job of getting in and getting good marks? That is up to you!
The job of getting in and getting good marks? That is up to you!