Jared Chung
CareerVillage.org TeamWhat are the ups and downs of being a community manager?
It would be really helpful for many of our students to get a few ideas of the *ups* of community management and the *downs*. Sometimes making the good and bad things real can give us a better idea of if this career is right for us!
_This is part of a question series for CMX Summit to highlight exciting careers in community management. If you are interested in a career in community management, now would be a good time to ask a question of your own!_ #community-management
1 answer
Arjun’s Answer
The good
I get to speak to passionate, like-minded people every day. The customers I interact with on a regular basis, as well as my community mananger peers, feel strongly about the brands that they interact with.
As a community manager I have to be as passionate as my customers to really understand what they say and why. Im never alone. Managing online communities is not just a nine to five job and whenever Im up early or battling a case of insomnia I know my community is there.
My ability as a community manager is reflected in the success of my communities. A community that performs well is hailed as a good example of customer service or engagement and improves sentiment towards the brand.
I get to be the first point of contact for the brand Im representing, so my professional and friendly portrayal is the key starting point for future brand engagement.
The bad
Its often difficult to find the middle ground between chat and promotion. Being able to post a good range of content can take time and theres a risk that Ill be seen as too spammy.
A community never sleeps. I have to be available 24 hours a day depending on the needs of my community and Ive accepted that not everyone has the same sleep patterns as me.