How can I become recognized by a professor?
I want to go to graduate school and I know that schools require letters of recommendations from faculty members. I would like my future professors to be the ones to write the letters but how can I stand out to them? #college
4 answers

Rachel Resnick
Rachel’s Answer
Be kind, say thank you, put in a lot of hard work, raise you hand, participate, do the reading, and write essays that show you put effort and insight in, go to office hours, email them, communicate with them!
Imad’s Answer
Hi Kemi, easy: you need to show academic engagement from your side. Make sure to attend the classes, do your homework, and drop by their open office hours to discuss what you learned in class. If you show that you are interested and have good grades to prove it, then you can be sure that your Professors will notice you, remember who you are, and write you good recommendation letters. Good luck!
Vikshith’s Answer
Teachers and professors have a wide variety of responsibilities, including developing classroom curricula, teaching courses, proctoring exams and helping guide students toward academic success. Although all teachers have the same basic work functions, their jobs may vary significantly depending on their classroom placement and specialty.
Keith’s Answer
Imad had a great answer--be engaged academically. I would add that if there is a professor whose work you like, you should try to do some research in his or her group. That will be the best preparation for graduate school, as doing research for a professor is the core of graduate school, at least in the sciences.
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