2 answers
2 answers
Jack’s Answer
Gabriela, the answer depends a lot on you. Chef have administrative duties and work on salary so you work as needed and that means long days and working when most other people are off having fun. Chefs get to write the menu and set the tone of the kitchen. Head cooks normally work by the hour as you get paid less but only work 40 hours a week. They mostly cook and have very few administrative duties. The head cook takes direction from the chef and sous chef and over see's the other cooks. So what do you like to do ? Take could also change as you start your journey in the culinary field.
Chef jack
Chef jack
Sherman’s Answer
Hi Gabriela,
Without experience you'll need to learn the basics which takes time, patient and energy sometimes doing less interesting tasks. This also means you don't get the preferred work days, hours or tasks until you've earned that privilege. It's always hard at the beginning with anything in life but focus on the out come and reward of achievement. Go to your favorite local restaurant and ask to speak with the chef to learn more or ask how they got started. Hearing from those with experience is the first step to determine if being a chef is right for you. Surround yourself with positive people that will support your goals and even find a coach or mentor to help with your journey.
Best, Sherman
Without experience you'll need to learn the basics which takes time, patient and energy sometimes doing less interesting tasks. This also means you don't get the preferred work days, hours or tasks until you've earned that privilege. It's always hard at the beginning with anything in life but focus on the out come and reward of achievement. Go to your favorite local restaurant and ask to speak with the chef to learn more or ask how they got started. Hearing from those with experience is the first step to determine if being a chef is right for you. Surround yourself with positive people that will support your goals and even find a coach or mentor to help with your journey.
Best, Sherman